Chatie l Wonders Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Chatie l Wonders

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Level 46 : Master Geek
This is my entry for CaelChan’s Writefully Inspired Skin Contest.
My prompt is “Dreaming of wonderlands. Walking to wastelands.”
I based the skin off the prompt, then based the story off both the prompt and the skin.

I really like how it turned out!
I spent forever on the pallet, and it turned out very pleasing.

The Story Part
The girl walked slowly and carefully, savoring the feel of delicate grass between her toes. She looked around at her surroundings. Large pink flowers the size of her head, maybe larger, grew out of trees with the bluest leaves you can imagine. The grass was a light shade of cyan, and more pink flowers grew straight out of the ground. Clouds were so close to the ground, they wrapped around and whispered in the girl’s ears. She didn’t know where she was, or how she got there, only that she never wanted to leave.

So she wandered through the trees until she discovered a pond. She reached a small hand into the crystal water, cupping it in her hands, and brought the cold liquid to her lips. The water was the most crisp, refreshing thing she had ever tasted, and it made her more relaxed, and more happy. Beautiful birds flittered elegantly between the trees, singing songs, happily, without a care in the world.

The girl sang with them; she sang songs with no words, songs with no meaning except for the pure joy and delight she felt in that moment. She lay down in the grass and reached out to stroke the petal of a pink blossom, feeling nothing but happiness.

As soon as her hands touched the delicate flower, her world warped and twisted, turning dark and black. Her feet could no longer feel the soft grass; they were covered in heavy black boots. She was no longer happy, she was sad and hopeless. Men in armor flanked all sides of the girl, leading her to who knows where.

Suddenly, she remembered who she was. She remembered where she was, why she was there, and where she was going.

The girl was a prisoner in a wasted world; a world where happiness was dead, and the cruel reigned over all. She was being taken to a castle of darkness and dread, a castle where she would be killed, wasted herself. And her captors had blinded her, replacing her vision of reality with a dream of pink flowers and blue leaves.

The Wonderland she had known was gone. She was walking to wastelands now.

I hope you enjoyed the story!
Have a great day or night!

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10/16/2018 1:13 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Pirate
This is amazing skin and great story. Great Job!
10/16/2018 6:41 pm
Level 46 : Master Geek
Thanks! <3
10/16/2018 1:07 am
She/Her • Level 70 : Legendary Sweetheart uwu
:O woahhhhhhhhhhhhh
10/16/2018 10:08 am
Level 46 : Master Geek
Ty! ♥︎
10/15/2018 10:31 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Wow I love the skin and the story!!
10/15/2018 10:35 pm
Level 46 : Master Geek
Yay! I’m glad! ♥︎
10/15/2018 8:51 pm
Any/All • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Lemon Nerd
woah girl. why are you so good ;-;
10/15/2018 8:58 pm
Level 46 : Master Geek
Idk ;-; 3 years of practice?
10/16/2018 7:01 pm
Any/All • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Lemon Nerd

I finally know who I want to be when I grow up
