Gohan - Cell Games Saga - All skins available for both 1.7+ and Universal! Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Gohan - Cell Games Saga - All skins available for both 1.7+ and Universal!

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Son Gohan's Avatar Son Gohan
Level 43 : Master Taco
I have finally finished this set of skins. Super Saiyan 1 Gohan, SSJ2 powered and unpowered, SSJ2 injured powered and unpowered, and normal-state injured. Every single skin has both the 1.7+ format, and the Universal format available for download, as well!

Diamond! Subscribe! Favorite!

Super Saiyajin Gohan

While Vegeta was busy endangering the Earth by letting Cell reach his perfect form in order to have more of a challenge, Son Gohan was finally able to become a Super Saiyajin while training with Son Goku in the Room of Spirit and Time (Hyperbolic Time Chamber for all you Funi dub watchers). When he came out, he asked Piccolo to give him a uniform just like his, and that's exactly what he got.

Gohan - Cell Games Saga - All skins available for both 1.7+ and Universal! Minecraft Skin
(Of note is that there is no cape and mantle in the universal version.)
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's SSJ1 1.7+ skin!
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's SSJ1 Universal skin!

Super Saiyajin 2 Gohan, with and without aura lighting.

Due to his unwillingness to fight back because he does not have his father's desire to fight, Gohan is enduring a one-sided beating from Cell. Gohan explains than when his family and friends are hurt, his emotions run wild, and when they do he has powers otherwise unfathomable, and that he would kill him if he were to release them. Cell, upon hearing this, decides to first torture Gohan even more to get him to release his power, due to the fact that he himself has a Saiyajin lust for a challenge. Goku, not understanding the motive behind Gohan's rage boosts, lets this go on, until Piccolo explains to Goku that Gohan does not have his father's fighting spirit.

But before Goku can intervene, Cell figures out for himself what makes Gohan tick. Making 7 miniature clones of himself, and having them attack Gohan's friends, Cell hopes to release Gohan's hidden power so he can have a good fight. Gohan keeps holding back though, afraid to release his power, afraid of what that kind of power might do to the Earth or his friends, not knowing how to release it normally without becoming enraged. Then, Mister Satan throws the head of Android 16 in front of Gohan from a distance, and 16 begins to tell Gohan to release his power. He reasons with Gohan that some people, like Cell, cannot be talked out of things, and that it is okay to fight in anger for the right reasons.

Cell then crushes the head of Android 16, ending the peaceful robot's life. Witnessing this, and the torture of his family and friends at the hands of Cell, Gohan holds back no longer. He finally releases his power, and the pent-up emotional strain he was under caused him to undergo a new Super Saiyajin transformation, making Gohan the first "Super Saiya-jin 2", as well as the youngest. In this new transformation, all but a single lock of hair is standing on end, and occasional electric arcing surrounds his body. Unwilling to put up with Cell any longer, Gohan's previously timid and caring nature is replaced by a very Saiyajin-like desire to fight, as well as an anger-filled desire for revenge.

One does not see this face, and live to tell the tale.
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's powered up SSJ2 1.7+ skin!
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's powered up SSJ2 Universal skin!

Gohan wastes no time in dispatching the miniature clones of Cell, killing all 7 (there's an error in the Anime where 8 are dispatched by Gohan) Cell Jr's, all with single blows, much to the complete shock of everybody on the battlefield.. except for his father, Goku. After this, he fights with Cell, who even after releasing his own full power, is utterly no match for Gohan. Even after Cell lands a full-power punch to his face, It doesn't even do so much as give Gohan a scrape on the cheek, while he proceeds to cripple Cell by embedding his fist into the Android's abdomen and then delivers a powerful uppercut.

Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's SSJ2 1.7+ only skin!
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's SSJ2 Universal skin!

Super Saiyajin 2 Gohan, injured.

While Cell prepared to use his last resort of self-destructing and blowing up the planet, Son Goku used Instantaneous Movement to teleport Cell away from Earth to Kaio-sama's planet, sacrificing himself in the process. Son Gohan, the otherwise kind, gentle, and pure-hearted person, had become a warrior who was ruthless against Cell, opting to torture him instead of finishing him off, showing the signs of a true Saiyajin who is lusting for a fight. Now he stares out across the landscape in shock and despair. Breaking down in tears, he reverts to the emotional child that he was back when he was younger, screaming out for his father, believing himself to be the reason for his father's death because he was too arrogant. Krillin is partially successful in consoling him, and at least gets him to stand up. The Earth is seemingly safe, as the battle with Cell has finally concluded.

Or so everyone thought... Cell, having learned Instantaneous after he self-destructed and regenerated, reappears, and blasts Trunks through the chest with a Ki blast, killing him. When Vegeta sees Trunks killed by Cell, he goes into a fit of rage and blasts the newly-resurrected Cell with all his might. But his efforts are in vain, as Cell emerges from the cloud of dust without so much as a scratch, and he is knocked out in one blow. Cell prepares to finish Vegeta off with a strong Ki blast, and throws it towards Vegeta. Gohan, knowing that Vegeta cannot be resurrected with the Dragon Balls again, and still reeling from the loss of his father, leaps in front of the blast to protect a former enemy and his father's rival, losing over half of his Ki and severely injuring his left arm, rendering it useless.

Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's injured SSJ2 1.7+ skin!
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's injured SSJ2 Universal skin!

Cell, wanting to end the battle himself, concentrates his power into a large Kamehameha, capable of destroying the planet, and anything else in it's path. Gohan initially accepts his fate, and is prepared to die along with everyone else. Son Goku, however, contacts Gohan from the afterlife with the help of Kaio-sama. Gohan protests that one of his arms is broken, and that he has half of the Ki that he had before, but Goku urges his son to cast off his doubts, and to fight to the last, telling him to counter Cell with the most powerful Kamehameha he can muster.

Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's injured powered up SSJ2 1.7+ skin!
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's injured powered up SSJ2 Universal skin!

Normal state Gohan, normal & after battle

The struggle is a long one with Cell being the one to toy with Gohan this time. However, with the help of his friends, as well as a final distracting attack by Vegeta (Note that in the Manga, Cell prepares to unleash all of his power almost immediately, but is then distracted by Vegeta), Gohan overpowers Cell, and completely obliterates every cell in his body, before losing his Super Saiyan transformation and falling out of the sky in exhaustion and then passing out in Yamucha's arms.

Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's normal-state injured 1.7+ skin!
Right-click, and click "Save Link As", to download Gohan's normal-state injured Universal skin!

12 Update Logs

Update #12 : by Son Gohan 08/20/2014 7:40:39 pmAug 20th, 2014

Thoroughly tinkered with the skin tone (again) on all skins to better match what Gohan's skin tone is in the series, reshaded chest/back on battle-damaged skins, shaded face under the single lock of hair on SSJ2 skins.

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09/11/2014 5:06 pm
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
Ashfur4ever's Avatar
ooohhh nice
09/07/2014 12:04 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
In my opinion (which you should probably ignore):

The skin tone got a hair on the pink side
08/31/2014 12:01 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
zachh356's Avatar
Looks good man keep it up, subbed :P
08/10/2014 11:55 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Archer
Reec3ty's Avatar
nice meme my friend
come join me on club penguine
03/27/2014 9:32 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Skymantis's Avatar
nice skin
Son Gohan
05/15/2014 8:52 pm
Level 43 : Master Taco
Son Gohan's Avatar
Thank you.
02/19/2014 11:30 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
Came here from twitch plays pokemon :0
Son Gohan
02/19/2014 11:35 pm
Level 43 : Master Taco
Son Gohan's Avatar
:O Bouse
02/19/2014 11:42 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
01/23/2014 11:32 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Dragon
Eternal_Edge's Avatar
Awesome skin!
