Clay Golem (new shading style?) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Clay Golem (new shading style?)

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Retired Moderator
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
Armando Salvaerti was a sculptor. A very famous sculptor. Know for his magnificent detail and precision. He was renowned throughout the world. What the world didn't know, however, was that Salvaerti also dabbled in magics and alchemy of many sorts.
As Armando aged, so did his skills, and his once precise and steady hand became old and shaky. Then the day came when he was to pass on. With the remainder of the sculpting clay he had by his bedside, he sculpted one final creation, placing a single glowing gem in the center of the clay statue's chest. A sudden glowing flittered and fluttered inside the gem as Salvaerti breathed his final breath, flashing rhythmically as that of a human heartbeat. The clay golem was alive.

So whaddya think? I recently started trying it new shading styles and color picking techniques. As usual, I left the palette on the skin so you can use it as you wish. ;)

Le meh. I dunno if I'm gonna use this as a new shading style or not. Probably not. I'm sticking with this new color picking technique, though. xD.

For those who can't use the previewer:
Uploaded with Imgupr

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I'll be posting this guy soon:
Uploaded with Imgupr

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01/01/2013 9:39 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Grump
Mmm... nice :)
01/02/2013 11:36 am
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
:D thanks
01/02/2013 10:28 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Grump
No problem :)
12/29/2012 10:14 am
Level 40 : Master Artist
I like the new shading, it looks awesome! But I do agree, the bright spots are a bit extreme. :/
12/29/2012 8:30 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
Which parts? |:/
Lol, compared to my other skins, this is uber-low contrast. xD
12/29/2012 9:32 am
Level 40 : Master Mage
The preview of your next skin looks like Terraria obsidian with lava. xD Idky.
12/29/2012 8:28 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
lol, I wouldn't know anything about Terraria. xD
12/29/2012 11:13 pm
Level 40 : Master Mage
Coincidence I guess.
12/29/2012 7:38 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pirate
Not trying to hate on you (or anyone else that does this), but the picture of the skin seems a bit redundant (that is the smartest word i have ever used :P), why put a picture of the same thing under the main skin viewer thing? You should put a reference pic/doodle there instead

Also, i really like the skin (you did a sweet job with the color choices), but im not feeling the arm shading, why is everyone doing that with them now? (where they make it shaded on the front part near the body) When people do that i get the urge to flip the image of the arms, because it makes them look like they aren't connected to the torso, it would look better if they stopped the shading 3 pixels lower (so it looks like the shoulder is connected at the right spot), but they always stop like 1 pixel away from the top

anyways, +1
12/29/2012 8:24 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
I think I'm gonna stick with my method of shading them for now, but IK really apreciate the feedback. Thanks :)
