Jade - Read Desc. Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Jade - Read Desc.

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Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
welp, have another generic teen skin. :p

it's hard to see with the beanie, but i changed my hair shading (you might be able to see that better on the sides of the head though). i also tried out a different shading for the ombre, which i'm pretty proud of.

(this skin is pretty much proof that i can never make a skin as good as my last one ;-;)

Read Me Please for Information
okay, i guess since i asked you to read the description, i'm sure you'll be wondering about what terrible thing may have happened.
and, the truth is, i'm kind of getting bored of skinning.

don't get me wrong; PMC was a great community, and i've met so many amazing people who have supported me throughout my entire skinning journey, but now, i'm getting sick of it. i took the hiatus to calm myself down, and just take a break, so i knew not to force myself to make skins or anything like that, and focus on enjoying life. however, it's been a while since i've set myself on making another skin, and i just couldn't really bring myself to do it. it's not that i'm frustrated because i have no ideas or something; i just feel like i've outgrown it. the hiatus made me leave skinning, and i don't want to get back to it now, if you get what i'm saying,

i don't want to say i'm leaving, because i feel like that would be too dramatic (and stereotypical), and it's too early to decide on leaving, but i just don't want to make skins. i know this probably sounds really lame, or like a bad excuse, but it's the truth. i don't want to sit down at my laptop and start doing that stuff again. it's not like i've had some crazy traumatic event that ruined my appetite for skinning, because that's not what happened. i just don't want to do it, but not because i'm lazy or stressed or anything. i just don't feel like it.

the thing is though, i feel too uncomfortable to say that i'm leaving, because i don't want people to panic or worry, or say "you'll be all right", because i feel like that's almost like i'm seeking out attention. and, there's no particular reason why i'm not into skins. i guess just because i've been away from it for a while, and i don't want to go back. sounds dumb, i know. :p

hopefully though, you'll get what i mean. i guess you could say i'm leaving, but not really. i just won't be making skins, and i probably won't be on PMC for a while. hopefully, i'll come back here every once in a while, but right now, it's just not what i want.

sorry. <33

~ ilysm ~

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01/09/2017 8:41 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Nerd
This skin is beautiful. I hope your are happy and will enjoy life. Pmc will always miss you.♥
07/29/2016 11:11 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Fox
you will be missed <3
07/30/2016 10:14 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
07/29/2016 9:08 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
I was your 69th diamond. *puts on sunglasses*
Nice skin, and have fun on your little break. Everyone needs one from time to time, no worries. Hope to see you back sometime soon!
07/29/2016 9:51 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
thanks. i've been debating over whether to call it a break or not, but i don't think i'll be back here much, if it all. i'll miss you either way <33
07/29/2016 5:27 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Turtle
aw... this is so sad, I watched you grow over the past month on skinseed and here quq like, wow you were so amazing for a starter xD my first skin was poop. But I totally understand your situation rn. You've inspired and been loved by so many ppl xc we will miss you dearly :( hope you have a funtastic life out there! && it was nice knowing you cx PM-ing you was fun cx you're a great friend! hope you know that ^^
07/29/2016 9:50 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
aw, thank you. i'll miss talking to you so much, but don't worry; i sucked too. i didn't post skins until i was better though c:

07/29/2016 4:59 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
This Look Really Nice Im Honest
07/29/2016 7:12 am
Level 21 : Expert Princess
We understand....
But we will miss chu ;-;
On the side note
This skin has amazing colourss
07/29/2016 9:50 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Button Pusher
thanks <3
