[Kari] Funeral of Roses || OC Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

[Kari] Funeral of Roses || OC

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TsukiaKari's Avatar TsukiaKari
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Necromancer
That veil was hard to do oof hopefully it doesn’t look weird

Anyways uh technically this is a Halloween skin but she happens to be an OC lol

This OC is part of an OC series, if that makes any sense, so the bio for these are different than the normal ones.
[Kari] Funeral of Roses || OC Minecraft Skin

Ω Bio Ω
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Name: Neveah
Age: Unknown
Species: Deity
Description: Death, awakens after End has done her job. She leaves behind a trail of crimson rose petals wherever she goes. To all the victims of End, she reaps their souls and stores them in her rose-covered casket to be sent to Afterlife. Has piercing gold eyes with a clock-like design and a crown of roses. When she has done her job, she awakens Afterlife.


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