Nargacuga Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins


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Iamyew's Avatar Iamyew
Level 35 : Artisan Skinner
For fans (like me) of the Monster Hunter Series. This monster is severely underplayed in the series and I wish that it was considered one of the "flagships" like the Rathalos, but alas, they can't all be considered the best around. This stalker of forests comes fully equpped with a scaled underbelly, talons, piercing yellow eyes, and a furry backside. once the new skins become more commonly used, I will update this to include his wings (and razors), but for now we will all have to make do with this epic, flightless variant of my favourite owl-cat, the NARGACUGA!!!
CreditCapcom, Monster Hunter Franchise

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07/28/2014 1:38 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Cowboy
13Crows's Avatar
Came here just to diamond and view the skin as to how well it seems to be made, I hope you can keep doing fine work like this! Well done!
07/28/2014 1:47 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Skinner
Iamyew's Avatar
thanks for the compliment man. look through some of my other work if you care to, I try to make high quality skins when I mae an effort to make them at all (my work is sporratic, but always solid). I normally do skins when something strikes me, but I'm always open to suggestions, so if you have an idea, let me know and I might just make it.
