Raggs - the Consumer of Flesh Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Monster in the Closet Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Raggs - the Consumer of Flesh

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superalgae's Avatar superalgae
Level 81 : Elite Blockhead
. WARNING: Do not tell this story to young children! .
. Although it may keep them quiet, they might never sleep again. .

Raggs was born a human. The people of his land were vegetarian and would not even think to eat meat, but Raggs was different. In his heart, he was a carnivore. He suppressed his urge to consume flesh. He thought it would go away, but the longer he lived, the more it tore at him. Eventually, after a life of self-repression, as an old man he decided he could take no more. He traveled to a neighboring land to finally indulge a lifetime of longing. He entered a local restaurant to have what he considered in some respect to be his "first meal". As the dish was placed before him he began to feel dizzy, and he died, right there, before taking one bite.

For most people, the story would end there, but Raggs' tortured soul could not let go. He looked back at his body, just inches from satisfaction, and as a spirit without form, he could do nothing. He skulked the earth, losing more of his sanity with every day. How much time passed? Years? Centuries? He did not know. All that was left was his obsession-- until one night he came upon an opportunity. A careless driver had hit an animal... a bear... a wolverine perhaps. Raggs could see the soul leaving its body, and before its corpse had lost all life, he slipped in and took its place. The driver did not hear the animal's body come back to life and could do nothing to stop Raggs as he ravished in his first meal. The following day, not even a single bone of the driver could be found.

Since then, Raggs has lived amongst us, creeping out at night to find prey. Over time, the presence of his twisted soul has contorted his new body into something unholy. His eyes bulge, and his mouth is agape with gnashing teeth. It is a body built to search and to consume. He likes his food to be awake, so if you want to be spared, sleep quietly. He wears tattered clothes taken from his victims. Perhaps it is because part of him still wants to feel human. Or perhaps these items are just demented trophies. It won't matter, when it's your clothes he's wearing.

Concept Sketch


6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by superalgae 08/20/2012 9:31:00 pmAug 20th, 2012

- Increase contrast.
- Many small changes.

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07/18/2016 9:51 pm
Level 20 : Expert Pyro
InactivePage_5027's Avatar
The sketch is awesome! Heyyy... where's my diamond? Rags did you take it?
11/10/2013 2:48 pm
Level 41 : Master Unicorn
Ehmbiggy's Avatar
Nice skin and nice sketch ^^
Urban Yankee
02/02/2013 8:06 pm
Level 22 : Expert Lemon
Urban Yankee's Avatar
I love the face on the sketch, diamond+favorite!
02/02/2013 8:30 pm
Level 81 : Elite Blockhead
superalgae's Avatar
Thanks. I put more effort than usual into the extras (sketch and story) for this skin.
01/23/2013 12:05 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Caveman
MYRYX's Avatar
A very funny Skin :D
10/06/2012 8:45 am
Level 25 : Expert Network
PennyLane's Avatar
DD: It's gonna eat meee!
09/21/2012 9:52 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pokémon
neowolfhowls's Avatar
How's the other version going?
08/27/2012 2:14 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Taco
Ass_Kicka's Avatar
Nice one! I love the detail on the head.
08/31/2012 9:54 pm
Level 81 : Elite Blockhead
superalgae's Avatar
Thanks! Although the body turned out well enough, the head is certainly the distinguishing characteristic.
08/26/2012 11:11 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pony Artist
Myahster's Avatar
I must try to sleep... I must try to sleep... Oh god, why can't I sleep? I'm not even a child, and I still can't sleep. I'm trapped; held captive by my own twisted, but powerful imagination! My mind has altered this image into something horrible! If I could put it on paper, or describe it in words, maybe I'll be safe. But for now, please just LET ME SLEEP! DX

Anyway, this is an awesome skin. I wish you luck in the contest.
