Tropical Ocean - Moving Eyes! - One Piece & Coverup in Desc. Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Tropical Ocean - Moving Eyes! - One Piece & Coverup in Desc.

  • 34,324 views, 7 today
  • 3,925 downloads, 4 today
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Level 61 : High Grandmaster Magical Girl Kitten
Happy almost summer!! Have fun in the sun and hopefully get a nice tan, and not burnt to a crisp like I do... haha

Now that I know a bit more of what I'm doing, I decided to make realistic body shading again.

As you can tell, it's much better than my first attempt. :P


I'll probably be making a realistic coloured hair ombre for those of you who don't like the blue. :P

In game photo!
Taken with shaders.
Tropical Ocean - Moving Eyes! - One Piece & Coverup in Desc. Minecraft Skin

Alternate versions!

Click the picture for a mediafire download.


Coverup 1.9+ only. Removeable by taking off layers. Remove arm layers for no sleaves.

YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO REPOST MY SKINS! Please report the stolen skin if you find it on another skin website or another user posted it. Also, please link in the comments the page to my skin post.

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Purrfectionist 06/25/2016 5:11:27 pmJun 25th, 2016

Added coverup

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07/11/2024 8:20 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Botanist
Ok, wow, just wow
Amazing eye and face design, it's much more unique than the ones most skins have.

Also, I love how you accidentally made a Nemona skin - 6 years before she was even released!
lvr Emerald
04/06/2021 12:47 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
She looks creepy without overlay...
04/07/2021 1:24 pm
She/Her • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Magical Girl Kitten
All my skins do HAHAHA!
09/20/2020 8:44 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Artist
This is just amazing. I wonder why aren't talented creators like you ruling the whole PMC
09/20/2020 11:13 am
She/Her • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Magical Girl Kitten
haha thank you!
04/21/2020 9:37 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
04/03/2020 5:38 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
This skin is a revolution. I have named her Rebekka Ortiz. Oh, and by the way; the alternate versions (one piece, cover up) aren't up on Mediafare anymore. I think it'd be easier if you just uploaded the alternate versions as their own publishings instead, so you don't have to worry about expiring links. Assuming you still have them, anyways. Would love to see her in even more outfits. Good work, VERY good work.
04/05/2020 3:13 pm
She/Her • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Magical Girl Kitten
Thank you!

Interesting. Thank you for letting me know! We are not allowed to publish alternate versions as their own post.

For some reason MediaFire deleted all my skins but they were in the trash so I restored them all. I think the downloads should work now.
04/10/2020 11:35 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
They work just fine! Thanks a bunch!

It's funny. The moment I finally have access to Rebekka's alternate outfits again is the moment I realize: "Y'know, these are cool and all, but the original is way better." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I did NOT expect to hear anything from you at all since the most recent comments on this skin are 2 years old... to think that I've had an ACTUAL CONVERSATION with the creator of my FAVORITE MINECRAFT SKIN is just insane to me. You're awesome! xD

Well, this is it for me. I kinda made this account specifically to report the broken links, and I'm happy that all is well again. After I send this reply, I'm back to being an occasional lurker around here (which is far less likely to occur since I literally have the best minecraft skin to ever exist, what more is there to find at all???) but I thank you, once again!

I saw on your profile that you are a follower of Christ just as I am, so I pray that the Lord will bless you and everyone who is close to you, and if you are a keeper of Easter then I hope it is a delight even with virus going around and all. 2020 isn't even halfway over yet-- don't lose hope, because there are still SO many good things that are about to happen that we can't even see yet! Just because the fog is thick doesn't mean the treasure that lies ahead isn't still ahead!
04/13/2020 1:20 pm
She/Her • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Magical Girl Kitten
Thank you so much!! Comments like yours make me really happy. :D I'm super happy you like my skin! Also, thank you, hope is what I need right now as things aren't the best.

I'm not too active anymore, but I do lurk occasionally! If I don't lurk, I get an email telling me about my missed notifications. haha
