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- 47,675 views, 1 today
- 9,769 downloads, 0 today
I don't own this resource pack texture. I've just kept working on it with Chrom's permission "comentary"original by Chrom.
Chrom's: description:
Here is my mix of many packs with some my textures for you, fallout lovers!
Video reviewbyBrendan1260(XnNOBS)
Pack reviewbyTerzaerian
Pack reviewbyJustHaydenOriginal by Chrom
Open to criticism and comments to express their opinions and suggestions, please. This will help me to improve pack.
Other fallout-themed texture packs:
Fallout - Duskcraft
After The End
Chrom's: description:
Here is my mix of many packs with some my textures for you, fallout lovers!
Video reviewbyBrendan1260(XnNOBS)
Pack reviewbyTerzaerian
Pack reviewbyJustHaydenOriginal by Chrom
Open to criticism and comments to express their opinions and suggestions, please. This will help me to improve pack.
Other fallout-themed texture packs:
Fallout - Duskcraft
After The End
Additional Notes
Especially thanks:ApertureGames for "Lets play minecraft: Fallout edition" videoAll who worked on LastDays textures pack (Doku and another)Glimmar for his steampunk packDuskCraft for his FalloutInterplay and Black isle for Fallout1-2Bethesda softworks for 3-d view of fallout worldObsidian entertainment for FNV, that was greatMy friend Kirill for advising and some ideasrhdox for stone and oresBundy for Road Warrior skinStudnicky for The Road Warrior Mad Max skinRyanJWN for Vault 101 jumpsuitmadprotester for Combat Armor MK IIAnd many another people who packs inspired me and who names i'mforgetCredit | Chrom's work, 1.3.2 by mouse the miner, 1.12 by me |
Progress | 85% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.12 |
Resolution | 16x |
Tags |
9 Update Logs
Update #9 Better late than never : by luis alonso 64 bits 07/10/2017 12:31:52 amJul 10th, 2017
Sorry for the long wait, but is nearly done for 1.12, some items were hard, and I didn't made the mobs, if anyone knows how to make them, (if anyone has the textures from a yao guai, or a cazador, let me know)
- Its now for 1.12, with the fallout-ish color scheme on some blocks and new ones.
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- for the polar bear im thinking of an albino yao guai
- for the ender dragon im thinking on a cazador
- for the end im thinking of the glowing sea (from fallout 4)
- for the husk im thinking of a dryier version of a normal ghoul
- for the ice skeleton im thinking of a raider with wintery clothes
- i have no idea what to do with the wither and the wither skeleton
- i dont know what to do with the plants
- i dont know what to do with the incompatibility error
- for the llama im thinking of a radstag
- i want to turn the beetroots to a plant called "tato"
- i cant quite fix the redstone as they changed the logic of it
I just dont know how to fix that one, I've looked in the wiki but cant figure out how to fix that bug
Im trying to make this pack to be survival friendly and creative frienldy, I could make some variants here and there, but lemme know which blocks ya feel like needs to be changed
(also what do you use to make the texture pack?)