Minecraft Texture Packs / Simplistic Packs

( 128x128 ) - GoloCraft - ( 1.3.2 & Below )

  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
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Level 36 : Artisan Geek

Golocraft, a texture pack named after the Italian word "Triangolo" for triangle, is inspired by Sphax BDcraft, but utilizes a different theme. Whereas Sphax incorporates pentagons in many textures, my texture pack uses triangles. Fear not, for this is not the only difference! All my textures are unique and original, not taken by anyone else. Until the most recent textures are released, my old 16x16 textures (badly converted into 128x28) will act as placeholders. Meanwhile, enjoy what I have and feel free to give any feedback, whether it's criticism or compliment! Thanks!

P.S. I am aware that this pack is very similar to Sphax's, but that's the point of "inspired." I assure you, every texture is unique and is not ripped off from anyone else, but is in fact my own creation. Any offensive* comments saying "This is a rip-off of Sphax!" or "You copied Sphax BDcraft, this sucks!" will be ignored and possibly deleted.

Note: Textures are subject to change. Every so often I may make modifications to already completed textures if it's decided they're not perfect.

:3= Walruses for Everyone :3=

Additional Notes


Q: When will it be done?

A: Eventually!

Q: Will you add any textures for mods?

A: In the future.

Q: Why is it triangle themed?

A: I don't know, because triangles are awesome?

Q: Can you make a 8x8 - 512x512 version of this?

A: Once I'm finished with 128x128, I'm going to convert the files down to 64x64, 32x32, and 16x16. These are pretty much guaranteed. Maaaaybeee if I'm asked enough I could do some more, like 512x512 or 8x8, but I probably won't on my own.

Q: Is this the main update area?

A: This is the website that I update the texture pack most. The Minecraft Forum version of this texture pack does not get updated as frequently.

Q: Send me a message when this is complete?

A: I'd like to! But unfortunately, with the amount of requests I'm getting for this, that would be a lot of messages...just favorite this texture pack and check back frequently for updates!

:3= Walruses for everyone!
CreditGiraffeOverlord: Editor
Progress45% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.3.1

35 Update Logs

Update #35 : by Peasqueak 11/07/2012 10:22:34 amNov 7th, 2012

Particles : 1.4.2 Compatible ( All 1.4.2 )

Terrain : 1.4.2 Compatible ( All 1.4.2 ( If anvil Is messed up I will fix it immediatly )

Items : 1.4.2 Compatible ( New Textures : Potato, Golden Potato, Baked Potato, Carrot, Golden Carrot, Pumpkin Pie, Spawn Egg ( Not sure if I like it ), Nether Star, Emerald, Empty Map, Item Frame, Flower Pot, Ender Pearl ( I know I don't like this. I will change it soon ), Brick, Quiver, Bowl, Mushroom Soup, Egg, Snowball )

Images : Updated Particles and Items, Added Terrain

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08/24/2014 8:37 am
Level 40 : Master Artist
you should finish this pack!
04/29/2013 5:41 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Blockhead
Is this 1.5 Compatible? I really love it!
03/24/2013 12:33 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Geek
Sorry for not updating this texture pack but I'm trying to complete as much of it as possible before I update :P
03/22/2013 1:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
More diamonds, sorry for no support for a while. I forgot about this pack, then I came to PMC for the first time in a while and remembered.
02/23/2013 3:58 am
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
Really awesome texture pack :D
12/08/2012 11:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Another diamond, and it is NOT a copy of Sphax's original BDCraft Texture Pack. This is a work from the original textures of minecraft, like the owner has stated in the past. I KEEP GIVING DIAMONDS! I am the :3= coo coo cachoo!
12/05/2012 12:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
peasqueak, your texture pack is very good but some say it's back sphax ¬ ¬ but for me it is good that you continue to update :) by the way diamond
11/29/2012 9:14 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
i have been following this pack for a while! love it! glad to see the progress
11/26/2012 6:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
More diamonds! I am the :3=, koo koo kachoo!
11/18/2012 1:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
