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Assorted Nonsense's Avatar Assorted Nonsense
Level 43 : Master Gent
It is with great regret that I announce the discontinuation of the further development of Dragon Island.
I will not be updating the pack to be compatible with version 1.9, nor will I be finishing the Black Diamonds expansion.
Working on Dragon Island has been a great experience, but I fear it is time for me to move on.

Thank You, Good Night

PMC's servers where crap in their heyday, I can't imagine things getting any better. So, in an effort to ease the burden on my old lover/detractor, I am hosting all my crap in this Google Drive:


If you wish to continue my work for some appalling reason, hit me up, I check this site every month or so.

Hail, wanderer of Cyberspace. In your travels you have stumbled this thing 'ere.

I don't care for long winded high-blown introductions, you how about stop reading this and take a look at the screenshots.

Done? Good; here is a bulleted list. Because it seems to be working for some people.
  • Some Animated Blocks
  • MCpatcher Alternate Mobs for Zombies, Villagers and Animals
  • A handful of 32x32 Items
  • Lots and Lots of Flourescence
  • An Attempt at combining the smoothnes of Simplified Packs with the Realism of other packs
  • Is not photorealistic, instead relying on creativity what people seem to call an 'artstyle'
  • A Zombie with no head
  • Connected Textures Mod Compatibility!
  • It's pretty bad

Also included; Black Diamonds, a smaller pack that changes the color of diamonds and stone. It's alright.

Honestly, I'm starting to get the impression that 1.8 doesn't want me to use it

To paraphrase Super Meat Boy, "MCPatcher isn't required, but neither is bathing"

Lastly, would whoever posted a copy of Dragon Island on MinecraftDL without my knowledge or consent kindly go shiv themselves with a rusty railroad spike. Thank you.

Civility, Public Ownership, Fried Foods
-Assorted Nonsense
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

27 Update Logs

Update #27 : by Assorted Nonsense 07/11/2015 2:04:18 pmJul 11th, 2015

Remade Cake

Fabricated Gold Block CTM alternate versions

Fabricated Obsidian Block CTM alternate version

Fabricated Snow versions of stone blocks

Rotated Sandstone Double Slab for no reason

Fabricated Dark Oak Double Slab Pillar

Fabricated Wood Pressure Plate

Replaced some paintings

Added CTM Alternate Creepers and Endermen

Fabricated a new CTM Stonebrick Double Slab

Finally fixed reeds

Fixed CTM Gate

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06/12/2015 3:48 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
ninja_o_blocks's Avatar
Gg, love the comedy, my otter approves, great textures and a whole lot of awesomeness... I know who your father is, but thats besides the point right? Anywhosamabomblestops, I better continues my adventuring, But I loved this stop at "Dragon Island" or however you say it. Peace in the middle east homes!
05/21/2015 9:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Bohose2014's Avatar
You should tell people that when they download this all they get is a note that says "Sorry", no resource pack.
Assorted Nonsense
05/21/2015 10:39 pm
Level 43 : Master Gent
Assorted Nonsense's Avatar
I explain the situation in the third paragraph from the bottom of the description.
If you open 'Sorry.txt' the working download link is at the bottom.
01/03/2015 11:49 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
Twilightz0ne's Avatar
Assorted Nonsense
01/03/2015 12:18 pm
Level 43 : Master Gent
Assorted Nonsense's Avatar
Oh, ok. Thanks, I guess
01/03/2015 11:38 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
Twilightz0ne's Avatar
01/03/2015 11:36 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
Twilightz0ne's Avatar
NO WAY BRUH! ok i cant wait to try it out!

*and.... DOWNLOAD*
01/02/2015 3:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Captain_Fluff's Avatar
It wont let me download Dragon Island :(
Assorted Nonsense
01/03/2015 11:00 am
Level 43 : Master Gent
Assorted Nonsense's Avatar
Thank you for telling me, try it now
09/20/2014 10:40 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Blaze_Moonspear's Avatar
Boo island? hehe..

Anyway, I think I'll like this pack. I just hope not every zomble is what you say.

Head? I am lacking in head. Fawful is headless.

...I type as I listen to both hailfire peaks themes together...
