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Level 32 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
I just wanted to list some of the things I cannot take complete credit for.
1. The zombie textures I take NO credit for...I simply found them when I was browsing through www.minershoes.com/
2. The ender chest, glowstone, redstone lamp, sun and moon, netherrack, and the melon were taken from other texture packs and somewhat edited in my own way. I'm sorry I don't remember which texture packs these were :( But credit goes to them.
3. Some of my other items were inspired by other textures/texture packs I've seen, not copied.

MADE FOR MY FRIEND TOXIC_RUSH14 'CUZ HE'S AWESOME!! :D The TNT has a troll face on the side and when it explodes "TROLOLOL", "TROLL", and "TROLOL" can be found in the explosions :D Smiley creepers, cute ghasts, slightly more stealthy cave spiders, green lava, and more!

YOU WILL NEED MCPATCHER TO USE THIS TEXTURE PACK! Get it here: mcpatcher.en.softonic.com/ Keep the file zipped, drag it into your texture packs folder in your .minecraft file, open up McPatcher, check all the boxes, patch, go into Minecraft, click texture packs, select it from the list, and go! Enjoy!

Once I'm a bit more experienced, I will update this texture pack with some animated textures. :D

Please leave feedback whether it's positive/negative!! Thanks!!
Creditto those people who made the textures I edited, and those people who inspired some of my textures
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.3.1

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10/21/2012 11:18 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Skinner
thanks :D
10/21/2012 1:34 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Skinner
I kno im awesome right
10/21/2012 9:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hola toxic :D lol yes you are... 99.99% of the time lol
10/21/2012 1:35 am
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
You are, it's true. :3
