Ticket #166
Status: Closed
Opened by Zwil
Feature Request
1/27/16 7:15 pm 1/27/16 7:15 pm
2/9/16 10:17 am 2/9/16 10:17 am

Friends list

People's preferred method of adding one as a friend is through subscribing to that person's account, but that just gets friends confused with people you sub to only to see future submission releases. Sure we have a forums system that has friends on it, but most people don't use the forums and even with the forums, you can't even show the friends you have to anyone because it is kept private on the forums.

What I suggest is to add a friends list to one's own profile on the site, something besides the forums friends system. But not just a simple friends list, something with other features to it such as an option to show everyone your friends, keep them private, or subs can only see friends of user's profile.

I completely understand that most of that will probably be ignored, but at least try to implement some basic friend system so people don't have just the one option of "sub4sub friends".

Edit: I reread the comment from a moderator and completely looked over the custom widget thing about friends. This means everything I requested, besides the silly stuff has been granted! The sidebar can now keep friends to quickly look at their profiles at any time, so that is a big yes that I always wanted!

I have decided to close the ticket. Thanks for all the support!

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10/25/2023 2:29 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
Zwil's Avatar
has closed the ticket.
10/25/2023 2:28 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
Zwil's Avatar
modified ticket description.
10/25/2023 2:28 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
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modified ticket description.
10/25/2023 2:27 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
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modified ticket description.
10/25/2023 2:23 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
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modified ticket description.
10/25/2023 2:22 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
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modified ticket description.
10/23/2023 7:52 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
I believe this request has been mostly resolved. You can now add people's profiles to your sidebar without subscribing to them which is essentially subbing without seeing their content in your feed.
As far as wanting to display a list of friends on your profile, this can already be achieved thanks to custom profile widgets. It isn't an automated system, but thanks to the mentioning system, you can create a list of usernames very easily. Overall, PMC has changed a lot since this ticket and I feel like it might not be relevant anymore.

A better integration of this would be to use custom subscription options. Allowing people to pick and choose what content they want to see from a person. That way subs and friends can be the same thing, but there won't be any confusion over the content you see in your feed.

As far as a best friend system, I'm not sure we want to make a feature like that. Sounds like it would just lead to jealousy. I have seen drama in the past over who is in the top slot of your sidebar, and having a highlighted area on your profile for it is something we probably don't want to be responsible for.
10/23/2023 2:52 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
Zwil's Avatar
After reading your comment, I went looking for this sidebar thing. I never knew it even existed!

I do wish it was a little more clear what this sidebar thing is all about, and not kept in the little 3 dot options next to the subscribe button. But it is certainly a lot better than doing the old sub4sub thing.

So I just now tried it out for the first time, but sadly, most of the old friends I made along the way aren't around anymore. I haven't even been that active on this site myself - maybe I should change that.

When reading this, I was a little confused. It was like you were telling me that I had to take down the ticket, but after reading this I went looking around the ticket and just noticed that "I" can close this ticket at any time. I always thought staff had to close it! Boy, do I feel dumb right now. I wish I new more about the changes being made. I see the edit button on there, but I don't even know if I ever made changes to this. So much time has past by... days long gone of the good times.

Is there a section of this server that posts updates? If there is, I would find that extremely useful. I'd even subscribe to that!

EDIT: I was about to close this ticket, but it seems you can't leave a comment after it is closed. I really do want to know if there is an update page, so I'll leave this open until your reply.
10/23/2023 3:27 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
Nope not asking you to take down the ticket at all. It is still valid in terms of the developers deciding if a dedicated friends list needs to be made, or if the requirements have been met enough with all the other features.

I was going through old popular tickets and spotted this one and saw people were still commenting on it. So I left a comment giving my take on it.
If you want me to close it I can. But if not, that's ok, a developer can close it.

Best way to keep up with updates is from the PMC account through wallposts, blogs, forums, etc. Cyprezz also posts announcements sometimes on his profile.
10/23/2023 4:11 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
Zwil's Avatar
Hmm... I mostly just wanted a way to have a friends list, something to have subscriptions separated from actual friends. Now that there is a thing, I'm pretty pleased with that.

I'm fine with getting rid a best friend system, I was kind of going overboard with all the ideas when I came up with that one. I still want to be able to show off my friends on my profile, but that isn't a big deal to be completely honest.

Hell! I even stated at the end I was understanding that most of it wouldn't come to be. All I really wanted was a simple friends list, and now there is a thing to separate subs from friends - I'm quite satisfied with that.

I'll leave this open for a couple more days until I think of what I'm going to do. I might edit it and leave the final request for showing off friends, or calling it a good day for what I got and closing it.
