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10 Tips - How To Create A Good Minecraft Boss Battle

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Welpjesfinx's Avatar Welpjesfinx
Level 43 : Master Architect
Hey guys,

Today I will be giving you some tips on how to create a good boss battle in Minecraft.

Tip 1: Make Them 'Alive'
There are a few ways of making a body of your boss. Two of them are:
- Using mobs with custom items and heads
- Making a structure
When you decide to make a structure if you want your boss to be big, organic or different from a mob, make sure it is as if it is alive. Nobody likes fighting a boss that feels like a mass with redstone attacks. Of course, it is hard to make such a boss, but always remember that fights need pacing.

Tip 2: Create A Nice Environment
It is better to have a boss fight in a detailed environment than a plain cube. Make clever use of your environment. When the boss fight is taking place in a volcano, you could use lava as natural barrier, for instance. When the boss fight is taking place on ice, it would be awesome to be able to crack a few parts of the ice.

Tip 3: Adjust Difficulty & Health
Of course, a boss should be harder to defeat than the average enemy and should have more health. But make sure the boss isn't hair-pulling frustrating or incredibly easy to defeat. Increasing the health, thinking the boss will be more difficult, doesn't make a boss any harder or more fun, but actually more annoying.

Tip 4: Don't Make Players Spam Their Swords
My experience with boss battles so far is that almost every boss had been killed by me by spamming my sword. Basically all I do is click and click until the boss is dead. This is a huge mistake you shouldn't make. Add some creative ways to kill/attack the boss other than using your sword.

Tip 5: Avoid Repetitive Actions
If there is a parkour you need to complete before jumping right on the boss to damage him, for instance, don't make the player do the same parkour 5 times. It becomes really repetetive, boring and annoying. On the other hand, don't give the boss the same attacks with the same rhythm. Not only does it make the battle boring, but also easy, for the player can tell the boss's movements.

Tip 6: Item Using
If you are making an adventure map, where you can collect certain items, it would add a nice effect if you would need those in order to defeat the boss. For example, if you can acquire ice arrows, having to use them to extinguish fire in a fight would add a lovely touch.

Tip 7: Make Bosses Fit The Story/Environment
Bosses that are there merely because bossbattles are fun, are not good bosses. People tend to add lots of bosses since it is great to have them in their maps, but why would a player fight hordes of bosses that don't have anything to do with the story. Moreover, make them fit the environment. Don't put a whale inside a volcano or a sandworm in the middle of a forest, to put it simply. Since these are hard to make in MC, think in terms of MC.

Tip 8: Be Creative And Original
This may seem obvious, but nobody sees fun in fighting zombies with player heads all the time over and over and over again, even though they are different monsters. If you think you are restricted in originality, don't be afraid. Think about Sethbling's Homing Guardians. With the current command block technology, so much is possible.

Tip 9: Add Effects
Fighting a mob with hardly any special abilities isn't bad, but effects can add so much more volume. Think of redstone circuits: fireworks, particles, lasers and all their possibilities. It adds an extra dimension to the fight, can make a boring fight epic and it can decrease restrictions you feel when creating a boss fight.

Tip 10: Names
All things I am going to mention now are not really necessary for a good boss battle, but they may make it more fun. What is done in many games, is that bossen are given names, and that these names are displayed when the fight starts. Wouldn't it be nice to use the title command to display the boss name once you enter the arena? It will also come in handy during conversations. You can use the boss's name, Mordrach, for instance, instead of Skeleton King. Even Skeleton King Mordrach would do it.

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06/09/2015 3:30 am
Level 30 : Artisan Pirate
G U Z M A's Avatar
Thanks! I'm making an adventure ma atm which will hopefully be uploaded soon.. You've really helped me in the ideas I have for my end-of-story boss fight.. but I have a question.. if I were to use a (Spoiler) villager to give me quests but, when the map is about to end he turns on you. I reallly liked this idea but your first tip seems to contradict that.. should I go ahead with it, or add some form of element to the boss to make it seem more alive?
06/09/2015 4:29 am
Level 43 : Master Architect
Welpjesfinx's Avatar
If you are using the villager mob itself, there will be no problem, since it already is alive. If you decided to build a giant villager statue, however, you would need lots of extra features to make the villager seem alive, because structuren can't move. So I think you can just do it, but it is always nice to add some more elements in the fight. :)
06/11/2015 4:11 am
Level 30 : Artisan Pirate
G U Z M A's Avatar
Ok thnx!
06/06/2015 5:09 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Fisherman
mudkip45's Avatar
Good work! As an adventure map creator (and... still a bit of a newbie) I can honestly say I have learned from this and will be adjusting my bosses. Thank you for contributing this to the community. :)
06/07/2015 5:35 am
Level 43 : Master Architect
Welpjesfinx's Avatar
Wow! I am glad I have been able to help you! I am curious what your map will be like so I will be checking out your channel from time to time ;)
06/07/2015 8:36 am
Level 32 : Artisan Fisherman
mudkip45's Avatar
Thanks! It's the sequel to a... rather poor map. It's probably been in 'development' (with giant gaps of me doing nothing to even help... mostly hinder it) since December of last year! But... I'm gonna try and get it to be MUCH better than it's previous form.
06/06/2015 4:43 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
YTCereal's Avatar
