This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

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A Life Of Steve written by Alex Erden

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Level 1 : New Blacksmith
This is the story of how Steve became isolated in the world Minecraft. For this story we must go back, not by a few years, not by 100 years but by 1 billion years. It was a time of prosperity in the small town of Gungus, the players were on the brink of the 5th technology evolution and had just came out with flying cars and found a way so no player in the universe had to eat for health or staying alive, just eating for the taste of the food and the fun of eating. Steve was around 40 at this time and had not ever been on a single date, let alone talk to much women. He owned a dog of 10 years named Enzo and had recently wanted to know what it was like to parent. So Steve ended up adopting a little white girl named Alex that was about 7 and a half.

   Steve and his family lived peacefully for the next 2 or so years, they were a good family and Steve parented well. Everyday when he got off of work he would pick up Alex from school, when they got home Alex would do her homework, Steve would make himself some coffee, the day went on for a while and before going to bed Steve would take Enzo for a walk then would come home and watch the next episode of "A day as a block" with Alex. Life continued on in this cycle for a few months, and then something dreadful happened.
   One day when Steve got home with Alex, he started making his coffee. Enzo walked into the room limping and panting. Steve could tell Enzo was deathly sick so he took him to the vet. The vet told steve that he was sorry there was nothing he could do, Enzo was dying of old age and his body was giving up on him. There was a moment of silence and with a sad expression the vet offered to put Enzo down, this question pissed steve off and he payed for the visit and left with his dog. The next few weeks consisted off Steve getting off of work early to spend more time with Enzo, until the day that dog, that happy love giving dog died. For a long while Steve and Alex grieved.

   Years passed, Alex was now 16 and Steve was nearing 50. The two were watching T.V talking about old times just sitting there reminiscing. As the conversation came to an enjoyable halt steve got up from his couch to go check the mail. He had been offered a job at a nuclear power plant facility for world energy. Steve accepted the job gladly reading all the nitty-gritty details. Now the normal day was pretty much the same as for when Enzo was around, accept that ever since he got the job at the Nuclear power plant he had to bring home items infected with radiation and lock them up everyday. 

   They werent specific items, just whatever items fell out of his pocket on the job etc. When steve was sleeping Alex got up to go to the store at midnight. She went to snoop around her dads room while he was asleep for money. Alex ended up grabbing the infected money oozing with radiation. She went to the store  and used the money. Everything seemed fine but after about 1 month everyone in the town seemed to get sick. They figured out that everyone in the town to touch the infected money had gotten some form of cancer and would now have less than 2 weeks to live. This included Alex.

   Steve thought it was his fault for not locking it up correctly and when he tried to take matters into his own hands he screwed up on an infinite level. At work when Steve was on the computer he thought he could search the Data base and find something to aid the cure for Cancer. He knew it was silly but it was still worth a shot; what Steve didn't know he did was pressed some wrong buttons that made the Nuclear power plant over heat. Some how, from the way the structure was built a small black hole opened up by the power plant as the place started to explode. A ton of chain reactions happened everywhere that through Steve into the future with no one else.

   The events of him time travelling gave him a concussion so he had no memory of his past life. Apparently when Steve got launched into the future the entire would exploded, But since Steve was all ready time travelling the explosion didn't reach him. He had been launched so far into the future the world had time to re build itself as much as possible with plenty of wild life and enough life cycle in action for Steve to start a new era of humans in the future called Minecraft.

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