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Beer In Vanilla Minecraft

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When will I be back's Avatar When will I be back
Level 25 : Expert Dolphin
Hello! I'm here to show you guys how to get "Beer" in minecraft! Obviously you only want the command for this though! Well here you go.
/give @p 373 1 0 {display:{Name:"Beer"},CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:9,Amplifier:3,Duration:900}]}

Here is the explaination

- /give ( Gives You The Item )

- @p ( Gives the nearest player the item )

- 373 1 0 ( 373 is the ID for a water bottle, 1 is the amount to give. 0 is the extra ID if you wanted a different potion. Using a water bottle makes it so the effect isn't shown on the item )

- {display:{Name:"Beer"},CustomPotionEffects
[{Id:9,Amplifier:3,Duration:900}]} ( Display is to choose what to do with the name of the item. Name is choosing to only rename the item like with a anvil. CustomPotionEffects lets you edit the effect of the potion. ID:9 is the ID for the effect you want to choose. Amplifier is how strong the effect is. Duration is how long the effect will last. )

Hopefully I helped clear things up in the command! Please feel free to diamond, favorite, or comment!

(To my decoration guide veiwers- I'm sorry I won't be continuing to update it. It was too hard to handle it daily. I hope you guys don't mind >.<    Thank you. )

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07/28/2014 10:20 am
Level 32 : Artisan Blacksmith
DragonNote's Avatar
Very intresting. 9 is.... nausea, am I correct?
When will I be back
07/28/2014 12:39 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dolphin
When will I be back's Avatar
Yep :3
Sorry I didn't explain that
08/04/2014 2:14 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Blacksmith
DragonNote's Avatar
Its fine lol
