Minecraft Blogs / Review

Cube World vs. Minecraft

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Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
The first thing I want to say before anything: CUBE WORLD AND MINECRAFT ARE 2 COMPLETLY DIFFERENT GAMES! The only thing that is similar is the blocky graphics. Cube World was, indeed, inspired by minecraft, but also by Zelda, WoW, Diablo, Secret of Mana, Monster Hunter and some others. That being said, In my opinion it is most similar to WoW (World of Warcraft) I already bought Cube World, but unfortunatly my computer is a bit slow and after a while, it coulnt handle the game anymore (Especially since It has many things) But for the good half an hour that I played, I enjoyd it alot. Like I said before, it is not like minecraft. You can't break blocks or place. You can only pick up items when killing mobs. The only thing that can destroy blocks are Big Bosses and Bombs that you place. Cube world is also like world of warcraft because you can choose different races (human, elfs, frogmen, lizardmen, dwarfs, etc. . .) and also classes. (Mage, Rouge, Warrior, and Ranger) Once you choose your class, you will have to options. (specialities) Each one has a different skill and advantage. It us up to you to choose based on how you like to play.




-Walking -Walking
-Boat -Boat
-Hand Gliding -Horse and Pigs
-Many Mounts -Swimming
-Climing Walls



-More than one can count! -(You probably know the minecraft mobs)



-Customize to your weapons -Houses
(Little) -Casltes
-Redstone Related Items.
-(I Can go on FOREVER!)



-Playing -Playing
-Making Servers (future) -Making Mods
-Making Texurepacks
-Making Adventure Maps
-Customizing Skins
-Making Servers



-Daily Quests -Villages with shops
-Bosses -Villagers
-Villages with shops
-Random Friendly Players

See. Not in 1 comparison where they almost alike. If you count how much each won, Cube World Got 3 and Minecraft 2, but Thats because I didnt compare all. Sometimes, its better to have less points for some people. It all depends on what type of games you like. If you like RPG, then you could give Cube World a try. If you like building, then Minecraft is the best one for you. If you Like and WANT both, then you can play minecraft with mods!!! As for I, Im probably going to play Cube World for some time, then back to minecraft (since I love Mining and building) Then back to cube world, then back to minecraft, then back to. . . . You get the point!

What is better for you: Minecraft or Cube World

Do you like expressing your creativity? Yes/No Yes = 1 point for Minecraft
Do you like RPG? Yes/No Yes = 1point for Cube World
Do you like building? Yes/No Yes = 1 point for Minecraft
Do you like fighting? Yes/No Yes =1 point for Cube world
Do you like simple games? Yes/No Yes = 1 point for Minecraft
Do you like games with a backround story? Yes/No Yes = 1 point for Cube World (cube world will have a story)

If you have more points for Minecraft, then you should stay. If you have more points for Cube World, you should give it a try, though just remember, you will probably go back to minecraft since it is harder to get bored in Minecraft since you can build INFINITE things!

The quiz will not determin 100% what you like better. Its just to help you out.

If This helped you or you found it interesting, please leave a DIAMOND
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Click HERE to go to the cubeworld webpage

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