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All about Horses

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Rusty_Banana's Avatar Rusty_Banana
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
There are many things that you probably know about horses and donkeys, but dont worry, this will help you get more familiar with them, Enjoy!


Horses, Mules, and Donkeys are all very similar, but there are some things that make them different, like their appearance. Horses have short ears and are bigger than mules and donkeys. They also come in various colors, but there are some combination of colors that can only be obtained by breeding other horses. On the bad side, horses cannot carry chests, but on the good side, they are more agile. Some can jump only 2 blocks while others can jump up to 4.5 blocks (4 blocks and 1 slab) They also vary in speed. Some are faster than others, but the only way to find out which is faster is by testing both. So if you are ever going to battle, make sure you test them out first to see which one is better. My recommendation is to put the good ones in different stables or name them so you won't confuse them.


The donkeys are smaller than the horses and have longer ears. They also have a grey coat always. These are less agile, so they can't jump as high as the horses. They usually only jump 1.5 blocks. You shouldn't use donkeys for battle since they can't run as fast as the horses nor can they jump as high. These are more for long journeys because they can carry chests with them, unlike the horses


The mules are the outcome of a Horse and a Donkey mating. He is a bit larger than the donkey, but not as large as the horse and has the ears of the Donkey. Like the Donkeys, they can carry chests on them.

I know most of you guys are thinking that you are only going to use horses, but trust me, its good to have donkeys and mules as well. Something I do that really helps me on long travels is to get on a horse and leash a donkey (while on the horse) so I can travel fast on the horse with the donkey right behind me and if I need to store something on the donkey I go on the donkey and leash the horse ( while on the donkey) and then when i finish with the donkey chest, I go back on the horse and leash the donkey. Also, if you want to go walking because, lets say, you are close to an enemy and you want to sneak, you can have many horses or mules or donkeys following you with a lead all at the same time as long as you have many leads (or ropes, same thing). One other good think that is good about all of them is that while you are mounting one, it is impossible to hit them, unlike the pig. It is good so when there is an enemy below you can hit the enemy without harming your horse! There are also skeleton horses and zombie horses, but they wont be in the vannila minecraft, but you can still spawn them. (Kind of like the command block, You cant craft it or find it and its not in the creative inventory, but you can use the /give command do obtain it)

I hope this helped you a lot with the new update, 1.6. Please comment, and subscribe if you want more!

IGM: bubledash

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Rusty_Banana 07/05/2013 4:20:09 amJul 5th, 2013

Added a picture

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07/05/2013 4:27 am
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
I honestly prefer mules over donkeys and horses :3
07/05/2013 4:29 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
Rusty_Banana's Avatar
Yeah, I like horses, but sometimes I think mules are more useful :D
07/05/2013 4:32 am
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
And funnier looking with their stubby little ears xD
07/05/2013 4:34 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
Rusty_Banana's Avatar
hahaha, you are right! The mules and donkeys remind me of the donkey from Shrek which makes them even more funnier!
07/05/2013 4:44 am
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
And even funnier upside down :D
07/05/2013 4:59 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
Rusty_Banana's Avatar
hahah :)
