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Custom Preset Fail!

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Level 40 : Master Electrician
Hello my dear dear people! (Yes, I said 'dear' twice! LIKE A BOSS),

Today I wanted to create an Ocean using the Custom Persets for SuperFlat worlds. But the coding turned out te be quite unstable, maybe it's a one time deal client crash. I haven't had the problem after that, but still, it's quite interesting to post here. Basically, what happened, is that the coding created some kind of mix between old SuperFlat Maps and my Custom new one. Look at the screenshot, and you will get a better Idea of what it looked like!

Turned out being a Minecraft Version bug in the game (I think it's fixed...). What happened is: My 2 jar files (1 for mods, the other for 1.4 at the time), got mixed up. So when Minecraft did not save all the chunks yet, and I rebooted the game, it switeched back to 1.3! Dunno why, I just know it did....

I did not have this problem later.


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Lex-Mine 11/05/2012 11:18:36 amNov 5th, 2012

Made the story longer!

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10/26/2012 2:24 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
woah what was the code you used?
10/26/2012 2:31 pm
Level 40 : Master Electrician
I think what happened, even though I don't know how. When you create a new world, there will be some chunks around your spawn that will always be loaded, no matter where you are, so maybe, this is just a maybe. Maybe the .jar of me just randomly changed back to 1.3, corrupted all of my non-always-loaded chunks, and replaced the corrupted chunks with 'normal' SuperFl;at chunks, which caused the strange mix of new and old chunks
