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Dear Diary (scary i mean it!) POP REEL

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LLMeow's Avatar LLMeow
Level 29 : Expert Scribe
Dear Diary          

Day 1 of school Sept 4 2011

Dear diary

I am the new kid, I don’t look like much, and that is my weakness I am a small girl, 2 times smaller than most of the girls at my school. It’s tough, first day which means I don’t know anyone and nobody knows me. Nobody cares about me and nobody looks at me except some of these hulking, surly kids who looked like the lifted weights since they were 6. I conclude by the stained t-shirts, grimacing look, and scars on their arms that they are the “tough kids”, my life just got worst. Bad day at school as well hope tomorrow is better. What do you think? I closed my book and went to sleep.

The next day I checked my diary, something odd showed up, my diary wrote back to me! “Mom did you write in my diary?” “No honey.” “Ok…” I checked my diary again it read:

Its ok, just don’t think about them.


Dear diary

Well I didn't think about them, but they thought about me. “Hey squirt”, they said “is that your perfume or is that the sewer?” I didn't answer them “Hey, I am talking to you, answer me!” “Leave me alone.” I said hesitantly. They just laughed and walked off. What can I do to stop them?

I checked my diary the next day and it also answered me,

Fight back

What’s with this dumb book! I said. Then I realized if it wrote back to me, maybe it can give me things I want. I should have known… The first time I wrote to it I said: Can you give me happiness? And I went to bed.

Here you go

Chapter 2

I checked my dresser this morning and cake appeared along with card saying:          Do you like it?

I figured I could get anything from this diary so I quickly wrote: Get rid of the bullies, but I had to go to school.


Dear diary

I seemed happy that day but it got worse, the bullies struck again. Can you get rid of them? My question was not answered that day, so I thought the today would be taken care of, But it wasn’t, also my parents got me in trouble because I was supposed to watch the baby, stupid baby ughhh. Because of that I got grounded for a week. Help!                                                              I checked my book in an hour and a cryptic messaged was written:

I took care of it

I did not know what this message meant so I went into the nursery room and to my surprise the baby was gone! I rushed to my diary, and wrote; why did you do this?! The diary answered me with:

You wanted me to take care of it, I did.

I checked the diary again and it said:

Go to sleep, it’s all right

Suddenly, I felt drowsy and I hunched on the flour and I blacked out. The next day I could not remember what I did yesterday. But I just went to school as normal.



Dear diary

I am still tired of the bullying I wish I could just share my sorrow with other people. This is the worst day ever could it get worse?


When I finished writing this I felt dizzy like when you go on an upside down roller coaster 40 times. My eyes closed and when they opened I was in a strange room of metal. I looked around and the only thing I could find was a door. Thinking it was the only way out, I went to it. Before I opened the door I could hear a faint cry. I pressed my ear up to the door. “Are you all right?” I said. The crying stopped, so I went in. I went into the room and I saw a baby facing the wall. To my horror, it was the baby who I was so sick and tired about. Then the baby started crying, “Look what you did to her, a voice said, she was so sad, no parents to love her, no kids to hold her, so she came here and cried all the time for food, but now she has some, Oh baby here comes the meat truck!” The baby looked slowly at me, I screamed, the baby had bloodshot white eyes and its mouth was at an awkward angle like a broken jaw.

The baby leaped at me and started biting me over and over and over. I flung the baby off, making its head smack against the wall, which made the baby weak and it stuttered until it fell down. I ran into another room which had some little girls playing ring around the rosy. They stopped at my presence they looked at me and slowly walked to me, one of the girls said, “Hi I’m Susan, want to play?” I tried to run but something blocked my way. I pounded as hard as I could but it would not budge. The girls got closer and closer then they ripped off my hair, and poked at my face until I could not take it. No here I was bald, little hair, and bloodshot eyes. I would have to stay here forever, until someone wanted to share their sorrow.


“Hey its Emma’s diary, should we give it back?, there is scribbles all over it!”

“I’ll fix it and give it to some other girl who will like it, oh Susan!”

“Yes papa?”

“Give this to a girl who would want it.”

“Ok papa, I know exactly who to give this to.”

Check out my other stories!

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Girly link
09/22/2014 7:51 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
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This is awesome!
09/22/2014 7:44 pm
Level 29 : Expert Scribe
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feedback! here:
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