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Herobrine: Who is he, and why do so many believe in him?

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DerpyKat's Avatar DerpyKat
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart

If you are a vivid player of Minecraft, you have probably heard of Herobrine before.
He appears in hundreds of photos, the people who post them claiming that this is "evidence" that he truly exists. Most brush these photos off as being faked and photoshopped, which is probably true. But why go through the effort? Why are they trying to get people to believe that Herobrine really does exist in the game?

The first ever traces of Herobrine started started off as a Creepypasta, then later an image of it appeared on 4chan's /v/ board, but not very many people really bothered to pay attention to it. It talked about how Herobrine had appeared in their single player world, leaving behind pyrimids and tunnels in it's path. It was not until a Brocraft streamer named "Copeland" photoshopped several different screenshots of Herobrine after he had read the original creepypasta. He decided to stage a hoax on his livestream, playing on his single player world and avoiding his secret hoax room he had been working on out of the eyes of his viewers. After the stream, popularity in Herobrine sky rocketed, and more and more people came out claiming to have seen Herobrine.
Over time, there are many theories and canons on who or what Herobrine is, and why he exists in the first place. Some think that he's Notch's dead brother, while others believe he is a dead miner, because of all the abandoned mineshafts in the game. According to what most people agree on, Herobrine can break/place blocks, and he is seen with a regular "Steve" skin, except instead of eyes, it's just white. There are also two main variations of Herobrine-- Vengeful and Stalker variations. The Stalker variation of him depicts Herobrine as appearing out of nowhere, watching the player unnoticed until he dissapears again, leaving no traces behind. This variation is believed to have originated from the original Creepypasta and 4chan posts. The Vengeful variation, however, is known to trap the player, steal from the player's inventory and chests, kill, and break their creations. This is a more popular varition, which is probably inspired by Griefers and Trolls.

But why? Why is this so popular, even today? Surely, this would've died out ages ago. But instead, Herobrine has become a symbol of Minecraft and a popular symbol in gaming altogether. What caused this creepypasta and hoax to become so popular?

In my opinion, I think it's just because Minecraft is so innocent and simple. All it is in our eyes is a sandbox game. Some people, I guess, just wanted something dark involved behind the usual sandbox image. So of course, they decide to add a dark/creepy figure to the gaming persona in hopes that this will add a spark to the game.

Whether he truely exists is up to whoever is reading this. Some think he's real, some think he's fake. But whatever the case, Herobrine will continue to be a popular image and representation of Minecraft.

Photos of the so-called "Herobrine"... are they real or fake? You be the judge.

I was bored, and I decided to post something about Herobrine. He needs more love. <3


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08/09/2014 8:52 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Lemon
neji101's Avatar
I don't personally believe in Herobrine. I have always been told that he was a glitch. I guess that's what people find so troubling, and when I think about it, I do get a bit creeped out. Game worlds are sort of like...what's the word...well, there is usually a limit to the world's generation and what the player can do. A "fence" if you will. And when a way past that fence is discovered, it's sort of like venturing into forbidden parts of territory. You find something you shouldn't have, and when you go back, you feel like that thing is still watching you from the other side. That's how it is for me, anyway.
06/27/2014 12:12 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
callistokrats's Avatar
"...are they real or fake? You be the judge"
All of the comments:
nice blog
06/27/2014 1:58 am
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
DerpyKat's Avatar
pretty accurate tbh.
06/27/2014 3:07 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
callistokrats's Avatar
04/14/2014 12:20 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Turtle
KingNappa's Avatar
The Pocket Edition picture is obviously a fake. The white of the eyes from another player is the answer. But the others, real or fake, are inexcusably stupid ways to troll our block-based community. Please, moderators, shine your holy light upon every post on PMC tagged or named with the word 'Herobrine', and wipe it from existance!
Haha, jokes. This is a good blog post, sure, but, God almighty, can SOMEONE please tell people DEFINITEVLY that Herobrine is NOT REAL. There is a Minecraft USER named 'Herobrine' and said person has hacked his client, and hass currently got a 36-month ban from online play. So shut up, people.
06/27/2014 3:08 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
callistokrats's Avatar
I used to have the same gif for my avatar...
04/09/2014 9:23 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Pirate
scarlettrandom's Avatar
I clicked because I saw Konata :3
08/09/2014 8:53 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Lemon
neji101's Avatar
Haha I understand...I did the same thing o3o
03/15/2014 11:26 pm
Level 24 : Expert Fish
doctorcatz's Avatar
The 2nd picture is obviously fake. lol the rest are too but... Yah. My best friends brother loves herobrine and we have been trying to say he's fake :3 I'll show him this, nice blog!
03/08/2014 10:36 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Zombie
envyfan53's Avatar
Herobrine is only real if you change your minecraft skin (Herobrine of course ) get on a server and be a troll to everyone :p
