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How compatible are McMeddons pre 1.20 Worlds, with 1.20?

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Level 87 : Elite Wizard Unicorn
With 1.20 Many new features, items, blocks and structures have come out.
  • McMeddons worlds have pre-rendered core worlds where every chunk is pre-generated.
  • The worlds transfer after the "core world" into vanilla chunks where Minecraft takes over the chunk generation.
  • To get the new features you likely have to head out into the wild, while for many other features, you can these via the loot tables from chests, barrels, and other containers that are scattered around the world. All containers in McMeddons world access vanilla loot tables.
I am working towards full capability with 1.20 for a seamless experience and hope to bring amazing new worlds to you in 1.20 soon!

Everything new in 1.20:

How compatible are McMeddons pre 1.20 Worlds, with 1.20?

Everything Block, Item, Biome, Mob related for 1.20:

World Impacting Features: 39 🌍
Passing Features: 23✅

1.20 FeatureTypeLocationIn McMeddons pre 1.20 Worlds
Suspicious sandBlockDesert Ruins, Templs, wells❌ not included in the core worlds
Suspicious gravelBlockTrails ruins❌ not included in the core worlds
BrushCraftable Itemstick, copper, feather
Desert wells with sus sandStructureDesert❌ missing in the core worlds
cold ocean ruins with sus sandStructureOcean❌ missing in the core worlds
Trail ruinsStructureOverworld❌ missing in the core worlds
New potCraftable ItemSuspicious sand/gravel
Pot shardsFindable item via Sus sandSuspicious sand/gravel❌ missing in the core worlds
RelicMusic DiscSuspicious sand/gravel❌ missing in the core worlds
Smithing Template Nehterite UpgradeFindable ItemBastion✅ unimpacted by all maps
Smithing Template WayfinderFindable ItemTrail Ruins❌ missing in the core worlds
Smithing Template RaiserFindable ItemTrail Ruins❌ missing in the core worlds
Smithing Template ShaperFindable ItemTrail Ruins❌ missing in the core worlds
Smithing Template HostFindable ItemTrail Ruins❌ missing in the core worlds
Smithing Template SentryFindable ItemPillager outposts✅ Pillager Camps
Smithing Template DuneFindable ItemDesert Pyramids
Smithing Template CoastFindable ItemShipwreck
Smithing Template WildFindable ItemJungle Temple
Smithing Template TideFindable ItemOcean Monument❌ missing in the core worlds
Smithing Template VexFindable ItemWoodland Mansion
Smithing Template WardFindable ItemAncient cities
Smithing Template SilenceFindable ItemAncient cities
Smithing Template RibFindable ItemNetherfortress✅ unimpacted by all maps
Smithing Template SnoutFindable ItemBastion remnant✅ unimpacted by all maps
Smithing Template EyeFindable ItemOverworld Stronghold
Smithing Template SpireFindable ItemEnd Cities✅ unimpacted by all maps
The sniffer eggFindable ItemWarm ocean ruins❌ missing in the core worlds
Torch flower seedPlant itemDug by Snifferwhen sniffer obtained, unimpacted by all maps
Pitcher pod seedPlant itemDug by Snifferwhen sniffer obtained, unimpacted by all maps
CamelMobDesert Villages❌ missing in the core worlds
Cherry GroveBiomenew 1.20 biome❌ missing in the core worlds
Cherry Wood, log, planksBlockCherry Grove❌ missing in the core worlds (if a village loot table drops them, then ✅)
Bamboo BlocksBlockJungle & Loot tables
Bamboo Boats & Chest BoatsCraftable Itembamboo sticks
Hanging signsCraftable Itemall wood types + iron chain
Chissled BookshelfCraftable Itemany plank + slab
calibrated sculk sensorCraftable ItemAmethyst shard + sculk sensor
Piglin headsMob lootPiglins / Nether✅ unimpacted by all maps
New advancementsadvancementsGlobal❌ requires an NBT change/set loaded in creative 0 / cheats 0


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