Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to Allow Mobs to Spawn on Your Server

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valkyrienyanko's Avatar valkyrienyanko
Level 47 : Master Lad
This tutorial was designed for those frusterated owners like me who could simply not find the reason why zombies do not spawn. Either one of the numbers below should help you, if not than leave a suggestion below so I can update this blog for everyones benifit. Thanks.
1. Check the following boolean statement. Server Directory (Dir) > Server Properties > View-Distance=10. If this value is lower than 10, that is one of the reasons why mobs do not spawn. Set it to 10 or higher. I would recommend 15 for the best results. You can also check if you have this problem by going to the world_nether or world_the_end and finding tons of mobs that are already been spawned.

2. If you have multiverse, do /mv info # and check the info for all you worlds. If mob spawning has any restrictions than go to dir > plugins > multiverse-core > worlds.yml and either delete the whole yml file or if you have notepad++ software and you know how to change stuff than go right ahead and do that.

3. If you have essentials protect. Check to see if you are preventing the spawning of specific mobs. Go to dir > plugins > essentials > config.yml and scroll down to where it has the title "Essentials Protect" and set all the booleans to false to not prevent any mob spawning.

4. If you are using world guard type /rg info in a region you think you may be in that is preventing mob spawning. If you are in a region it will show the current flags of that region. Type /rg flag region_name flag_name allow/deny to set the flags of that particular region. Also go out of that region and type /rg info to find the __global__ region. You can also find the __global__ region by doing /rg flag __global__ region pvp allow. You will find the flags of that region, if there are any flags like mob-spawning (DENY) than set them to allow.

5. If you have 100+ plugins, I would recommend getting Plugman, so you can disable certain plugins and unload them or load or reload them back on the server. You can go through every plugin on your server and find the one that is being really annoying.

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