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Server Sign Hack Fix! [full tutorial]

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valkyrienyanko's Avatar valkyrienyanko
Level 47 : Master Lad

Hack Sign Fix!

Hey if you are here you are most likley a owner or someone who manages a server. You probrably are getting kicked getting this array error saying max string size: 9 or something similar to that! Well I had the same problem and I found a fix and I am so happy! I am so happy I am sharing how to fix this!

The Cause? There is a new sign hack out there that allows players to exceed the max string buffer limit on a minecraft sign kicking the players in range, but no worries there is an easy fix. Look below at the following methods!

Best Method:
You will need world edit sync and world edit. Prepare the command "//removenear sign 500" Once you have typed if you can do "CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW". Repeat that command a few times and copy the text. As soon as you find the area (the kick zone) instantly do CTRL + V (paste) and ENTER to execute that command than instantly tp away after. ex: /spawn to get away and you will not get kicked. Wait for the sync to slowly slither around and find that ugly sign. It will well at least for me it said "removed '1' sign(s)". And it worked!!!! Remember you prevent further sign places of this sort you need to upgrade to 1.8.7.

Cheap Method:
Revert to a older map and upgrade to 1.8.7.

The Be a Hacker yourself Method ~ Thanks to PBC88
Install the Wolfram hackclient, go into a singleplayer world, enable "sign crash", join your server, and the sign won't crash you, if you don't know where the sign is, use x-ray.

Suggested by PBC88

MC EDIT ~ Thanks to Pepijn
Look up minecraft edit on google.
Download the software.
Import your world.
Search for the sign and remove it.

Suggested by Pepijn

Buggy Method:
Under your "world" file. There are region files. Use a online tool to find what the region files mean and find the right coordinates with the right region file and delete those files. (not recommended)

Another Method (dosent require asyncworldedit)
Set your server view distance to 0 or 1. Than you can get real close and do //removenear sign 100
I do not suspect a radius of 100 with crash your server!

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by valkyrienyanko 07/01/2015 2:01:47 pmJul 1st, 2015

Thanks to Pepijn we got a new method. MC Edit.

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09/06/2015 2:29 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
IronWolf16's Avatar
09/06/2015 3:24 pm
Level 47 : Master Lad
valkyrienyanko's Avatar
07/02/2015 11:21 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
Minerbot02's Avatar
THANK YOU, i lost my server to this...
07/02/2015 11:25 pm
Level 47 : Master Lad
valkyrienyanko's Avatar
Same xD
07/01/2015 1:41 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Cyborg
Pepijn's Avatar
Couldn't this also be solved by downloading the server map and loading it in MCedit to remove the sign?
07/09/2015 7:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PBC88's Avatar
Nice idea aswell!
07/01/2015 9:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PBC88's Avatar
I know a better method! Install the Wolfram hackclient, go into a singleplayer world, enable "sign crash", join your server, and the sign won't crash you, if you don't know where the sign is, use x-ray.
07/01/2015 11:17 am
Level 47 : Master Lad
valkyrienyanko's Avatar
07/01/2015 12:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PBC88's Avatar
No problem :) Actually if you want, i can send you the dl for the client.
07/01/2015 1:59 pm
Level 47 : Master Lad
valkyrienyanko's Avatar
Im pretty sure everyone can use google for that. (Mr. G)
