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How to build a Birch Tree - Tutorial

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LimeeFox's Avatar LimeeFox
Level 49 : Master Fox
Hello builders!

Welcome to my building tutorial on how to make birch trees in my way.

First of all, you might be wondering; why are trees so important, from my point of view?

Trees are often one of the most important aspects of terrain or a build. It can totally change the looks and the feels of a build, so better it be a good tree, and not a bad one.

You can build it in vanilla, however it might be a little bit more difficult without World Edit. World Edit is a mod that allows you to speed up the process of building, mostly during the repetitive parts of building (such as making a giant wall, making a sphere, making a circle or even copying builds!). It also exists as a server plugin.

First, if you are planning on having the tree with 6 sided logs without an orientation, I suggest using a place-holder that later you can replace with the birch wood. Unless you are building your tree directly in terrain, start building above-ground, so that you can work on its roots.

After you've built the roots like showcased in the video, you can start working on the trunk. When the trunk is finished, you can work on the branches. They can have their ends going either upwards or downwards - both types exist - but to my knowledge straight ones don't look great.

It takes me 15 minutes to complete the whole wooden part of the tree building process. After that, I spend another 15 minutes on the leaves. Build them in bunches at the ends of the branches, and then put a few hanging leaves from those bunches, it should help cover weird holes in-between the branches. You should be done!

Watch the video that teaches how to build them, and if you have any questions, feel free to put a comment here or on YouTube.

How to build a Birch Tree - Tutorial
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How to build a Birch Tree - Tutorial
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How to build a Birch Tree - Tutorial

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CreditEpicQuestz, where I recorded this tutorial

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