Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to make an Invisible Pressure Plate [1.5+]

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Mummyfied88888's Avatar Mummyfied88888
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
Hey guys, so here is a super cool tutorial on how to make an Invisible Pressure Plate.

Yes, it may sound absurd, but follow these few steps and you're on your way to a cool little map-making technique.

1) Get a Command Block and place it down. To get a Command Block do /give [name] 137 1

2) Place a Redstone Torch on the Command Block. Hold shift while you place to put it on the block.

3) Place Redstone leading into a Redstone Repeater that leads into the Command Block like this. Set the Redstone Repeater to 4 ticks so it doesn't burn out the Redstone Torch.

4) Place a Redstone Comparator leading out of the Command Block and into a Redstone Activated Block. For this I shall use a Redstone Lamp.

5) Now, place a block where you want to have your Invisible Pressure Plate. However, this is optional as you don't need to have a different type of block there.

6) Now, get the co-ordinates of the block/place you want the Pressure Plate to be at. For this case, it was [x=612 y=56 z=-1471] but don't put the letters for the Command Block. You may also notice the ,1 after Z co=ordinate. This is the integer for distance checking. If you are within 1 block (in this case) of the "testfor" co-ordinates, it will activate the lamp.

Look, it works!

Thanks for reading this Blog Post!

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Frost 914
08/18/2013 7:02 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Frost 914's Avatar
Awesome, I could see me using this. :D
08/18/2013 10:11 am
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
Mummyfied88888's Avatar
Haha, thanks, don't forget to subscribe! I've got a new idea of mine coming up soon!
