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How to remove lag on Minecraft

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Paint_Ninja's Avatar Paint_Ninja
Level 24 : Expert Modder
Hello! I've decided to make my first blog!
It's all about how to get rid of lag on almost any Minecraft version! (including the latest - 1.4.7)

How to remove lag

1. Change Video Settings
When you first get Minecraft, by default, all settings are at highest. This is great to show off game-play but can cause slowness or lag. There is a simple fix to this: Change the settings!

Here's how:

  1. Start Minecraft and login.
  2. Once on the main menu, click on "Options..."

  3. Now click on "Video Settings..."
  4. Click on "Graphics:" until it says "Graphics: Fast"
  5. Click on "Render Distance:" until it says "Render Distance: Normal"
  6. Click on "Particles:" until it says "Particles: Decreased"
  7. Click on "Smooth Lighting:" until it says "Smooth Lighting: OFF"
  8. (SKIP THIS IF YOUR PC IS OVER 8 YEARS OLD) Click on "Advanced OpenGL:" until it says
    "Advanced OpenGL: ON"
2. Get "Optifine" (Windows Tutorial)
This mod is the most popular mod ever launched for Minecraft. It changes the way Minecraft loads things so it's quicker. It also supplies you with a load of extra settings if you're a computer wizz like me!

Here's how:
  1. Goto optifine.net in your web browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox.
  2. Click on "Downloads"
  3. Download the edition you want for the latest version of Minecraft. (In this case it's 1.4.5)
  4. Get WinRAR from rarlabs.com if you haven't already.
  5. Press the Windows Key + R
  6. Type %appdata%
  7. Double click on the ".minecraft" folder
  8. Double click on the "bin" folder
  9. Right click on "minecraft.jar" and "Open With -> WinRAR"
  10. Find where you downloaded your Optifine and open that with WinRar too.
  11. In the "minecraft.jar" WinRAR window, delete the folder "META-INF"
  12. Select all the files from your Optifine opened in WinRAR.
  13. Drag them into the "minecraft.jar" opened in WinRAR.
  14. Close both WinRAR windows.
  15. Start Minecraft Launcher and login
  16. Enjoy!

  17. If you are quite smart with computers then mess around with all the extra settings in the Video Settings... added by Optifine. If you don't know what some settings do, simply don't touch them as some can crash your game if it's incompatible with something you changed.

3. Get a faster internet connection!

This one makes playing on Multiplayer servers A LOT less laggy!! However, it's the only one which costs more money the faster you want to go.

Basically, Minecraft Multiplayer works like this:
1. Player joins a server and it connects to the internet, then to Mojang to confirm you're premium ("Logging in...") then connects you to the server.

This is called Ping. Ping is the amount of time in milliseconds it takes for you to connect to something over the internet. So of course, a lower ping is better.
If you have an average ping of over 500ms on all the servers you play on Minecraft Multiplayer, then it's your internet that's slow and NOT the server. The simple way around this is to pay more for a faster internet connection. I know this because I'm a server owner and I've tested my server on various devices and wi-fi connections to find out what mainly causes lag on servers. And the main cause is in fact, people not changing their video settings and having it at the highest or having a slow internet connection ping-wise. Sure the actual server matters too but, on most servers which aren't full and lag, it's you.

I hoped this helped! - Paint_Ninja

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08/31/2014 5:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ASG_FTW's Avatar

This video is really helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03/02/2014 9:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dudmud's Avatar
I was deleting my .minecraft folder then i deleted java and optifine and now when i try to download java it just says "Unable to download https://javadl-esd-secure.oracle.com/update/1.7.0/1.7.0_51-b13.xml for installation" i typed that in in my browser and there wasen't a download. Please help me beacause i just deleted all my stuff in minecraft and i need java to run it and i can't play minecraft please right back.
05/31/2013 12:05 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Guard
ST_RD_ST's Avatar
it helped very much! i am using shaders and you helped a lot. one thing also that made shaders smoother was the tp i was using. sphax purebdcraft x64
03/02/2013 3:28 am
Level 26 : Expert Crafter
KarlosCraft12's Avatar
I put 2048on my server ram is hat good for 23 players?
03/02/2013 9:50 am
Level 24 : Expert Modder
Paint_Ninja's Avatar
Depends on the amount of plugins you have. If you are using a Vanilla server yes it's good. If you're using Bukkit and you have about 15 plugins I would set the player slot to 20 to be safe. If you're using Bukkit and you have 25+ plugins you're probably gunna need more ram.
03/02/2013 11:35 am
Level 26 : Expert Crafter
KarlosCraft12's Avatar
01/05/2013 4:53 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragon
I still dont get how optifine helps with lag issues, I usually have 40+ fps and when i installed optifine it went even lower which makes no sence. Even changing the settings to be the fastest it didnt do anything.
03/01/2013 6:30 pm
Level 24 : Expert Modder
Paint_Ninja's Avatar
Most likely either because you've got too many other things running or something wrong with Java. I suggest fully uninstalling java then getting java 7 from java.com . If that doesn't work, try making sure EVERYTHING is closed before starting Minecraft and make sure everything stays closed.

Optifine is fast because it sends a chunk update per FPS and uses your CPU and GPU more efficiently.
03/01/2013 7:45 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragon
i know how to use mods and stuff, optifine just never makes mine go faster
03/01/2013 7:53 pm
Level 24 : Expert Modder
Paint_Ninja's Avatar
Being a Java Dev. myself, I don't understand why it's not working for you. I almost certain you're doing something wrong or you've got a PC issue or something... I need more details like MC logs etc to be able to fix this for you.
