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5 Things You Need to Know About Running a Faction [200 Sub Special, Thank You!!!]

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hobo joe's Avatar hobo joe
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
Owning a faction is a very exciting experience , although there is a considerable amount of work one must procure to make sure that a faction is successful, its so very worth the effort. From the building and the events, its good for people on a server to partake in a faction to be part of a community.

Guys, this is my 200 sub special, and I still can't thank you all enough for all of the good times y'all have brought me. I never thought I'd make it this far, so I've been putting this together for y'all from all the notches I've taken on running a faction to show my appreciation for all of you. Thanks again!!!
Also, I'm sorry it took this long for me to release this, been a bit busy with summer band...oh the joys ;)

Whether you like it or not, someone's first impression about your faction will be their way for determining if your faction is "strong" or "weak". I know it's unfortunate that this occurs, but it happens. I find the best way to get around this dispute is to build a central faction hall of some sorts, and set it as the faction spawn. It really doesn't matter what's there as long as something's there. Erecting a faction hub will set the standard not to be bothered. This is an opportunity for you as a faction owner to call upon the skills of your members for help in building things or just planning ahead.

This picture is an example of what I'm taking about. It's the castle I made for the second faction my brother and I made. It's big, legit, and a great faction spawn; all the criteria for making a good solid first impression.

My message is simple: a griefer is more likely to mess with a faction that has nothing there as opposed to a faction that has good structured faction spawn building and layout.

Another important matter of owning a faction is power. Not power to crush things or shoot beams of light out of your eyes, but power based off of the amount of people you have in your faction and how many times they die. In some servers its important to maintain a level amount of power to be able to claim new land, but in other more harsh servers its very crucial that you keep a lot of power so your land can't be claimed by other factions. Believe me, I had this happen to me once when my brother and I started a new faction on a promising server, only to have it stolen from us because there was another faction with more power that liked the little castle I built.

Why, why talk about members you might say? Because I've learned it's important to be able to trust and know everyone in your faction.

Just because someone new on a server asks to join your faction doesn't mean you have to allow them access. Not that I'm deliberately trying to criticize new people, its just that if they want to join your faction, they must first gain your trust. All I'm saying is don't let someone join just to get more members; that's like posting things on planet minecraft just to get more experience points. Let someone join because they are trustworthy and will be able to help your faction.

As well as being sure that someone is trustworthy, you must be confident that your members will not do anything to set harm to your faction, like griefing. It's really important that you find a way to double check people that want to join your faction, ie:

-if its someone that's been in another faction, ask the other faction owner if they caused any trouble

-if its someone that's new, ask them a few questions like; age, interests, how long they've been playing, what would happen if you saw someone griefing, etc

Basically, just get to know your members and understand them better so you are confident that there is a strong community co-existing inside your faction. It's also good to know people's skills so they may be able to assist in jobs to better the faction as a whole, like making buildings or zoning new areas out.

A faction in minecraft is just like a city-state back in the mid-evil times. They weren't massive areas of population, but simple communities held together by some form of either small government or royalty. In order to prevent war between two of these city-states, they had to form alliances to ensure that both communities could co-exist without need for new rule.

In essence, it is good to do the same with your faction. If there is a neighboring faction, create an alliance with sed faction to make sure they will not pester you in your efforts to build up your own faction. It's not good to be "that guy" and declare war with every other faction on a server, that's just plain stupid. People join factions to have a place to call "safe" and so they can be part of something bigger, and if you wish to be a faction owner it's your job to respect that, otherwise you might see a drop in members.

Well, down to that last step, the name...oh, what will we name it? This also ties into the whole "first impression" because you want your faction to have a name that's catchy and that people will remember if they wish to tp there or find it again. I've found that the best faction names, are only one word long. Also, remember that it has to be catchy; maybe the name of something you like doing in minecraft.

Bad example: super awesome bros of da sword

Its too long, and sounds kind of corny. It doesn't really fit well with a theme and it just makes me want to laugh at a faction with a name like that.

Good example: hunters

It sounds cool, and isn't to lengthy. It's very easy to remember, and its also something my brother and I do well, in minecraft that is. If your having trouble coming up with a name, just send me a PM because I could probably help you better that way than if I just posted a list of 50 random names.

Photo credits:
-Factions Logo
-Picture of faction village

Once again y'all, thank you for reading and especially thanks for your support!!!

Keep Crafting,

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08/20/2013 1:04 pm
Level 40 : Master Blockhead
RelioBear's Avatar
Wow, amazing hobo :D
hobo joe
08/20/2013 1:10 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
Thank you bro!! Also, thanks for helping me get to 200 subs :3
08/20/2013 1:11 pm
Level 40 : Master Blockhead
RelioBear's Avatar
lol, wow XD
I was have more sub than u XD and your welcome :) congratulation :D
hobo joe
08/20/2013 1:13 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
Thanks again c:
08/20/2013 1:24 pm
Level 40 : Master Blockhead
RelioBear's Avatar
Yay :)
08/13/2013 5:22 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
MinecraftBlastwave's Avatar
I laughed a bit at that griefer often grief poorly made place part. Usually it's the other way around. They go for the places that had more time spent on them. However in some cases that part is right.
hobo joe
08/13/2013 8:37 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
True. It's kinda hard figuring out what people are going to grief, sometimes it could be what's just right in front of them
08/13/2013 9:21 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
MinecraftBlastwave's Avatar
I'll admit you got pretty much everything else spot on. Perfect advice in those places.
hobo joe
08/13/2013 1:31 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
Thanks man, really appreciate it :)
08/13/2013 2:38 am
Level 23 : Expert Nerd
Maxonomous's Avatar
When I first joined factions, I was raided and destroyed. The next time, same thing happened. And I was deathly afraid of factions. But now, you have helped me gain confidence of making a new faction in the faction world. Thank you very much, hobo joe!
