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How to take over the world.

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deadifyed's Avatar deadifyed
Level 34 : Artisan Zombie
Some people wonder, how can I take over the world and make everyone my minions!? In this tutorial I will teach you how, but remember to use this information at your own risk.

1) Gather followers. If you have followers that will do everything you say then you can successfully destroy any nation. Examples of followers that blindly follow their leaders are: military, cult members, members of a type of religion, or young children/teens that follow "elders".

2) Gather resources, you cannot possibly fight a nation with your hands and feet! you need weapons, food, bases, etc. Without these necessary supplies you will surely fail in the invasion of any country.

3) Invasion. This is the most important step of all. You must brainwash your followers into thinking the enemy/nation that you are going to invade are "lesser humans" or savages. When all of your followers think that china is full of people/ideas that they don't agree with, they will be more eager to attack that nation.

4) Assimilation, now that you have taken over another country, you must assimilate. For all of you 14 year old's with no vocabulary at all. Assimilation is basically forging your society, with the lesser society that you have conquered. When assimilation is complete (approximately 2+ years) you can brainwash that country into blindly following you also!

5) Repeat! Just repeat steps 2 through 4 until you have conquered the whole world. Congratulations you now rule the world!

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10/18/2011 8:41 pm
Level 20 : Expert Cake
Nithin121's Avatar
This is a good plan for PVP server domination! :D
09/05/2011 10:34 pm
Level 24 : Expert Farmer
_BloXy_'s Avatar
heh i like the way this guy thinks infact me hero used to be some one else (IDK) but now its this guy

you should be like the emprah (warhammer40K) the worlds most powerful pshycic couch potatoe! :)
09/05/2011 10:48 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Zombie
deadifyed's Avatar
haha =D
09/05/2011 9:36 pm
Level 40 : Master Crafter
Tminator's Avatar
lolz ur gonna be a president when ur older arent you?
09/05/2011 9:42 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Zombie
deadifyed's Avatar
No I'm going to be world ruler.
09/06/2011 7:14 am
Level 35 : Artisan Taco
Chainsaw99's Avatar
of minecraft!
09/05/2011 10:40 pm
Level 40 : Master Crafter
Tminator's Avatar
the fly halo guy
09/05/2011 9:30 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
the fly halo guy's Avatar
You should have done how to take over your minecraft server. EPIC FACE :D!!!!!!!
09/05/2011 9:42 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Zombie
deadifyed's Avatar
I'll write about that next time =)
the fly halo guy
09/05/2011 9:25 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
the fly halo guy's Avatar
........................ Why would you post this on a minecraft blog.......
