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Inspiration! Why it is important! [A blog concordince with Repson]

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-Rusty-'s Avatar -Rusty-
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
Hello everyone! my name is Repson

Today Rusty and I are going to be talking about Inspiration, what it means. and how you get it!

Hello everyone! Rusty here sayi-... Wait, Repson? How did you get into my studio? Who gave you the pass code!?

Erm... Never mind that.

[For everyone's pleasure in reading: /size]

Brown = Repson, Purple = Rusty]

Where to find Inspiration?

So Rusty, what does inspiration mean to you?

Well first before you know what inspiration is to you, you have to know how it is you get inspiration. The main point I think is that inspiration can come from anywhere, but the best way's to get inspiration are:

1.Looking around PMC (with an unoriginal potion)
2.Maybe asking fans?
3.Taking a walk
4.Real life events

Sometimes actually, I will actually start making a thumbnail for a blog without knowing what I'm making, and idea eventually pop's out XD.
I want to actually know where you get your inspiration from now :u

Hm..where do I get my inspiration?

I get a lot of my inspiration from other PMC'ers, like SoggyTractor or Jetra for example.
Even more so from just playing Minecraft, reading other blogs, even sitting on the toilet or in the shower, whenever i have time to think to myself. Since I'm studying Psychology, I like to think about how people think, which gives me the basis for a lot of my blogs.

I also get inspiration from my fans, a few days ago i had someone call me their "Favorite PMC'er"

Other bloggers, (or pmc'ers lol) yes... That is a good way... It's also good to give inspiration (us blogger do that...)

Well I guess basically fans, what Repson is saying, is that Inspiration comes from like, ANYWHERE! You can get it in so many places... in fact I once got a blog idea I flew off a ramp while snowboarding! (Hint: I failed the trick...).

Ok so know you guys know where us specifically get inspiration, and where you can get it, now we can move on as to why it's important

In term's of 'Originality'

Alright so we all know inspiration can come from anything, but is all inspiration original all? Well only because Repson has that 10th doctor skin (dat swagger), Remember that, er Doctor who episode in uh which the dude from WW2 made the things that looked like Daleks, but where they really? No he didn't think so at the time! (even though it turned out he was an invention of the Daleks), Inspiration <--> Coping, they seem alike in so many ways, but there so far apart

So Repson, what do you think on this, how can we even define 'Original Inspiration'? Is there even such a difference between unoriginal and original inspiration?

In my books, I don't care where you get inspiration from. as long as that inspiration isn't copying. for example

Noob254 sees a blog titled: "Bad adventure maps: a rant on terrible adventure maps"
and he thinks that's a great blog.

So, he makes one of his own, but he puts all of the points
the original author had, and copied it word for word. That wouldn't be stealing, but it
would be frowned upon by the community.

I don't see how you can have "original" or "unoriginal" inspiration. Everyone has different places and events in their life, And some have a lot of the same events happen to them, and so many people could get inspiration from a single thing.

Think of a singer, for example:

Imagine a brand new band came out. And you, being an aspiring musician, see their work and think "That's really good..I want to be like them!"

And then another aspiring musician thinks the same thing, neither of them copy that band. or each other. they just look up to them as role models. So no, I don't think there is even original or unoriginal inspiration

I do agree with you, but still, people should learn and know when to cross the line from "role-model copying' and 'stealing content'

Now let's get to the main topic of this blog, how Inspiration is so important!

"Why is this SO Important?"

Inspiration, in my opinion, is very important, because without inspiration, then how could we make anything?
Well sure! We could just go to a COD forum site (for example...) and have someone say 'Make me a *blablabla* skin'. After hearing this, we would make the skin.

Unfortunately, I've been told this simple truth, You can't make a PMC career off request's, whatever section of PMC is your fancy (If you think about it hard enough, it's 'possible', but I don't think you'd be very successful and/or it would be very hard.)

Let's say someone wants to create a new skateboard trick. If they look at Tony Hawk's moves that he made himself, you can get inspired to improve on his moves or make your own based on his, however you could not copy them and call them your own (And this, 'gents, is why we have copyright laws :D).

I find this big in some areas of the blogging section, for example, if Folk 1 makes a blog about the 1.8 update and why it will improve MC, just because Folk 2 makes a blog about 1.8 as well and how it will improve MC doesn't mean Folk 2 copied Folk 1. Same with skins, everyone thinks every teen skin is same, but some are actually good, or inspired not copied.

Well Repson, it's about closing time... What are your thoughts on why inspiration is important?

I think inspiration is important, because without it. we as bloggers have no drive to make good content for people to read or watch (if you're a youtuber). Without inspiration, this site would be a barren wasteland of stupid and unoriginal blogs.

Thanks for having me Rusty, it's been a pleasure!

To you as well! (Even though I secretly liked the 11th doctor better MWAHAHA)

Remember kids, Inspiration is the most vital virtue a person can get, and not only will it help you to make the best blogs ever, it might save you from a ban :u (copying, ya know, when you can't find good inspiration)

CreditRepson for half of the blog XD and Seivelath for the thumbnail

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01/25/2014 2:10 am
Level 23 : Expert Network
Seivelath's Avatar
Who likes le thumbnail? If you do, come to me, I need to steal this gusy traffic XD
01/25/2014 12:39 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
Nu u ulwuz stel ma trufic
01/25/2014 4:59 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
Seivelath's Avatar
All your traffic is belong to us XD
01/25/2014 7:01 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
01/24/2014 9:22 pm
Level 49 : Master Blob
icedragon926's Avatar
I likes inspiration ;D
01/25/2014 12:39 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
I likes it too, m8
01/24/2014 12:09 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
It's great to know that people look up to me and it's great to know that people try their very best. There are many people who have inspired me to keep on blogging, namely hobo joe and Cujore, who I still look up to as better bloggers than me. Great job!
01/24/2014 4:56 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Zombie
Repson's Avatar
Thanks Jet, always good to know my inspirations are friendly enough to aknowledge the ones below them!
01/24/2014 8:23 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Nah, I don't consider anyone below me, and, after looking at some of your stuff, I'd say you're better than me at some points.
01/24/2014 9:18 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Zombie
Repson's Avatar
I Highly doubt im any better than you really, your attitude and way you approach and handle things are so much better than i
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