Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interview with spookyshxdow ♡

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Level 37 : Artisan Bunny Princess
{F2U} Nature aes. divider

Hello, and welcome to my interview with spookyshxdow! ♥ They're a kind and talented member of the PMC community who makes lovely skins, and is known for being friendly and inclusive to others here x I hope you enjoy our interview!

My questions are in brown; their answers are in white. x

Dream Catcher

1. What inspired you to start making Minecraft skins?

1. i pretty much just wanted to make my own custom skin to wear in game, i played a lot of minecraft at the start of the pandemic and thought it'd be fun to try making my own.

2. How did you discover PMC? What is one of your favourite memories of the site?

2. i started over on skindex, and i saw a lot of people over there also had pmc accounts, so i decided to make one over here as well. my favorite memory is probably when i first got on the popular reel last year, i was so happy that my work was getting more recognition!

3. Do you have a persona? If so, what inspired you to create them?

3. yep, i do! (link) i created her back in august 2021. i didn't really have any source of inspiration other than halloween colors but i'm still happy with it 2 years later, although i do plan to make her a few more outfits.

4. Do you have a favourite submission that you've made? Your favourite that someone else has made?

4. one of my favorite skins that i've created is probably this entry for r a i n b o w 's aesthetic jam (link), it was so fun to make and it turned out really cute. two of my all-time favorites from other members are this skin by hananah (link) and this skin by anonpmc3660011 (link), both are absolutely gorgeous and well made.

5. Who would you say has influenced or inspired you the most on PMC?

5. my biggest influences for skinning are probably pumpkinpvtch, aquarine, and lacuna :) all of them make gorgeous skins and i adore all their work!

6. If you could add one feature to PMC, what would it be? Would you remove any preexisting features, and if so, which one(s)?

6. honestly, i don't know what i'd add to the site, it's good as it is. again, i don't think i'd remove anything either.

7. What other hobbies do you enjoy outside of PMC? What other fandoms do you enjoy besides Minecraft?

7. when i'm not on pmc, i enjoy playing violin, singing, practicing art, and binge-watching random youtube videos. i also love musical theater, so i like listening to soundtracks/watching shows while i do other things. i'm not really involved in any other fandoms unless you count being a theater kid lol

8. What would you consider your greatest accomplishment here on PMC? In real life?

8. i'd consider my biggest pmc accomplishment is reaching 300 subscribers. i'm so happy that i've been able to have fun creating skins that i want to make while aso providing other minecraft players outlets to express themselves. my biggest accomplishment outside of pmc is when i got to perform at a concert with a famous music duo. it was so much fun despite the mishaps we had and they were so nice!

9. What is a cause you especially believe in? What would you like others to know about it?

9. i'm definetely an environmental activist, and helping to reduce the effects of climate change/trying to create a greener earth are things i try to spread awareness about. there are many things you can do, and even though they're small, they make a difference. recycling your plastic and paper waste, turning off lights, and being mindful of your water use are things you can do every day to help the environment.

10. What is the story behind your username?

10. my current pmc username combined my love for the halloween season (spooky) and my old username (twxstedshxdow) to create my username today: spookyshxdow! i've kind of wanted to change it, but it's stuck with me, it's iconic (i guess?) and i don't have any ideas about what i'd change it to.

11. Do you have a current goal for your content?

11. my overall goal with my content is really just to make skins for the community. i definetly want to try and be more diverse with my skins, and it's something i'll be experimenting with in the near future.

12. How would you describe yourself in three words?

12. three words to describe myself: empathetic, introverted, and lonely :,)

Dream Catcher

{F2U} Nature aes. divider

Thank you again to spookyshxdow for being here with us today! ♥

. . .

Interviews are currently being held as I have the time irl, heh :)
Stay tuned for the next interview, and I hope you have a lovely day/evening! x

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03/09/2024 12:10 pm
He/They • Level 65 : High Grandmaster Lad
love the aesthetic!!
03/22/2024 10:22 pm
They/Them • Level 37 : Artisan Bunny Princess
Thank you very much! ♥
03/09/2024 9:03 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
03/07/2024 7:31 am
She/Her • Level 74 : Legendary Princess Kitten
Yay, interviews are back (again?) :D
03/22/2024 10:21 pm
They/Them • Level 37 : Artisan Bunny Princess
I can’t promise regular uploads, but we’ll see, heh! :)
03/06/2024 12:29 pm
They/Them • Level 71 : Legendary Strawberry Cupcake
ur interviews are so fun to read! :3 <3
03/22/2024 10:21 pm
They/Them • Level 37 : Artisan Bunny Princess
Thank you! x
03/04/2024 5:30 am
She/Her • Level 42 : Master Botanist Witch
aaa omg thanks for the mention spookyshxdow !! <3
Ender Sparkle
03/03/2024 3:00 pm
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
You make interviews??
03/03/2024 10:16 pm
They/Them • Level 37 : Artisan Bunny Princess
Yes, as I have time to do them! Unfortunately, I don’t have a consistent schedule atm, though. :(
