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Inverted: For Better or Worse?

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Level 19 : Journeyman Cake

Okay, this topic can bring a lot of arguments for gamers and that is: What is better: Inverted or verted.
Well, firstly, I'll bring up what the point of each of them are.

Verted: The concept of this is like trying to move your head, if you wanted to look upwards, you'd push your mouse forward to look up, it is like you are controlling the person in game.
Inverted: Imagine a camera is strapped to the back of the players head. If you wanted to look down you would have to push the camera up to switch the direction and make him look down. You get me?

A lot of the 'newer' gaming community use verted controls; the reason I say newer is because the older people use to/ still use joysticks, and they were inverted. Me? I'm inverted. I have tried both and that is why I wanted to bring up this topic.

Okay... So what is better?
Well young Skywalker I have had many experiences were one excels the other, for example, flying games eg. Flight Simulator X. Inverted controls are superior (In my opinion) to verted as It makes you feel like you are actually piloting the aircraft. To go against inverted controls I have found accuracy comes better with verted controls. I use to be a decent counter strike player and when I was verted I racked up all dem kills. But since I switched not so much, maybe I' a little rusty.

I would love to hear you comments in the comments (Thissentence will destroy me).
If you enjoyed this topic, Diamond :3

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10/01/2013 6:27 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
In the end they both even each other out.
10/02/2013 11:08 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
I guess so. :3
