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lets speak about stolens skins

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Level 42 : Master Sweetheart
so a lot of people who came to PMC will maybe had an account  or used skindex (i did)  and the thing iv found it that there is a HUGE amount of stolen skins and when i did use skindex i would always try and report those skins but the thing that really annoys me is that some people think if they steal a skin from another website they can get away with and since every body dosent use the same websites so its easier for them to get away with it.Iv had a few of my skin uploaded on different  websites and even some one claiming one of my skins there "OC" and im sure bigger skinners on PMC and websites have had there skins  re uploaded.
So i just want to say don't steal skin ;3

Ok so now i wanna speak about people editing skins and then uploading them, just because you edited the skin it still dose not make it yours.

(i may add some more things to this blog some time plus if your offended by this in any don't go mental in comments you just look ridiculous)

(oh and i may be inactive for a bit because iv got a new computer on i need to get used to it)


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08/17/2016 9:52 pm
Level 43 : Master Paladin
By the way guys, if you want to make a personal skin and you're worried it'll get stolen, don't upload it, and just download it and change it. It requires no anger ;D
08/17/2016 9:46 pm
Level 43 : Master Paladin
I've seen so many skins copied on Skindex from here and miecraftskins.net. It's so rude when people copy!
05/16/2016 4:37 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
I download your skins, but i do repost saying its the the best skin ever, but i did not make it, i dont even say anythings mine! just saying its a really good person who made it!
06/09/2016 7:09 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Botanist
You should not do this. You get the downloads, the diamonds, the views, the favs, and the fame. I am reporting you. At least you should have a link to the original skin.
04/25/2016 6:27 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Fish
the only reason i moved here is because skindex glitches too much. I would most likely quit PMC MUCH sooner then i would with skindex because the audience is hard here (and all you have to on skindex is ro make some cruddy un-shaded skin and walaaa, you're on the popular skins page!).
04/16/2016 11:34 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
I was on skindex for a long time, but then it came to my attention that people were stealing, making small edits and taking credit! That is why i have moved here.
04/10/2016 9:48 pm
Level 32 : Artisan uwu
this is so true, ive seen lots of stolen skins and on pmc when i see it i usually report it cause its not fair to the rela creator and the fact that it took them so long to make
03/03/2016 3:06 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
I Know how it Feels to have a stolen skin, Especially when you were very Proud and you Worked very hard on that skin that someone else stolen. It is quite annoying when people just edit the Skin a Tiny bit (eg. Change the Eye color/Colour, Change the hair color/colour and Make it look different) and Just re color/colour it So it looks different. Mostly Sugarbun's Skins, They usually get Stolen - I Also seen a MC Skin that was Edited. People that do these Things, it is Just soooo Annoying, and also people that do this Shouldn't do it. It's just unfair and Quite bad for People that Try hard in their skins. Note: I Seen someone wear 1 Of your Skins. :3
04/25/2016 6:28 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Fish
You realize that it's only bad when they post it somewhere, right? It's a bad thing to steal online and take credit and POST IT SOMEWHERE, but what if it is just for personal use?
04/29/2016 5:15 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
Personal use is ok with some people, but some times you have to ask the owner of the skin first before you can edit the skin and use it for personal use. I know it might sound a bit odd in some terms.. but yes, it's true. :1
