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Another World: Notch's Quest

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Mustangfang's Avatar Mustangfang
Level 26 : Expert Nerd
Notch's Quest

Chapter 1. Another World

I'm a young teen from Georgia of the United States. My name is Josh. I was always the healthiest and most physically fit in my high school class. I could get any girl with my looks and charm. My life was perfect. We were all riding home after basketball practice in the car. The music was blaring Lil Wayne. My friend Nick was driving the car not really paying attention. We came around the corner fast and didn't see the truck coming. Time seemed to stop. My body was thrown from the seat and through the windshield,(I should have worn a seat belt, but were kids we don't think about that stuff) I watched my life flash before me. The world faded black. When I awoke I was in a strange land. There was grass below me. I thought this isn't right, why am I here. A strange man appeared before me. He wore the name Notch above his head. I went to speak but couldn't fin the words. He stood there motionless for some time. Finally the man spoke, Josh I have brought you here to help me defeat the dark lord Israphel. He is the king of a great Empire and rules without mercy. I have become old and weary battling him for so many years. If you defeat him I will grant your old life back. I remained where I was to dumbfounded to speak. I thought I must be imagining; this world isn't real. The mysterious mans last words before he left were " Be looking for the Dwarf Honeydew and Xephos. They will help you on your quest. I will send you messages through the book". I then asked, "what book?" He replied" you have much to learn. Open your inventory." The mysterious man left. I read the book and discovered that the world was made of blocks. I decided I should explore. I came upon a tree. I was looking for a rock or a stick but I couldn't find anything but solid blocks. This frustrated me, out if anger I punched the ground breaking a block or two. I looked at what I had done and realized how much different this world was from my own. I opened my inventory to check for notes. There appeared a new note reading: Josh I see you have discovered that you can break blocks with your fists. Some blocks are to hard to break with your fists and require tools. Tools can be crafted with a crafting bench. Get a piece of wood an check back for how to create a crafting bench. Be brave. - Notch I punched down a block of wood from the tree shocked that it is humanly possible. I checked the book and discovered a note: Place the wood in your hand crafting slot. You should receive 4 wood planks. Place them in a 2x2 pattern and you have a crafting bench. - Notch. By the time this had been completed the sun was setting. I had camped outside when I was a kid and knew it would be no problem to do that tonight. (I realized later how wrong I was) I layed down in the grass and began to rest under my partial tree. I was there for about 30 minutes it seemed to me when I heard a noise behind me. It was a dreadful moan that made chills go down my back. I turned my head to see someone who looked like me. I stood and ran to them. When I got close I noticed blood pouring down his face. He was no human. He chased me and I began to run. I ran until I was out of breath. I stopped by another tree to catch my breath. I heard a hissing sound almost of a snake. When I saw what was behind me it was to late, the creature exploded and my world faded black again. End of chapter 1.

Chapter 2. Respawning

Am I dead. I lay at the spot where I had appeared when I first came to this world. I checked for my book, but could not find it. I lay there for some time trying to gather strength to sit up and find my book. I looked around and noticed it was daytime. In the distance I saw a creature. I was afraid. Would it harm me like those of last night. I was defenseless and did not have the strength to fight back. As the creature approached I became more and more petrified. Finally I was able to distinguish what it was. It was a pig. I was worked up over a pig. I relaxed and tried to sit up again. This time I managed to get to a siting position. After some time I had recovered enough to stand. I began to walk slowly back towards the place I had met the creature. When I arrived at the location there was a large hole. I thought for a moment. Finally the thought of last night clicked. The creature exploded. After some time of searching I discovered my book along with acquiring 12 dirt and my crafting bench. I checked my book and sure enough there was a note: That vile creature you encountered last night was one of the millions of Israphel's minions. The name I am not sure of. There are many others who can write in your book from Planet Minecraft(commenting). They will be a great help to you in your journey. - Notch Planet Minecraft, what is that I thought. I hope whoever they are; they can supply with information of what that was last night. And tell me more about my world I am in.

End of Chapter 2.

Chapter 3. Food

I took Notch's advise to listen to the people from Planet Minecraft. Ater waiting some time I didnt find any new information. I decided I should gather more wood while I wait. I gathered 25 wood and to my suprise 5 apples fell from the trees as I gathered wood. I quickly ate them and felt much better. I thought about what I had learned so far and decided to put my theory to the test. If this world is really made of blocks that can be destroyed; is it possible to place blocks on top of each other. I placed down a piece of wood and it worked. I checked my book after discovering this, but there was no new information or notes. I decided to build myself a shelter out of wood planks. I ended up not having enough wood for my 6x6x4 shack. I gathered more wood and noticed the sun setting. Hurrying so I would not encounter more of those dreadful creatures I gathered my wood and finished the shack. When I sealed it up I realized I left my apples on the ground. My stomach rumbled with the lack of food. I decided to try to sleep the night away and get food the next day. No matter how hard I tried to sleep I could not. After laying on the floor for ages, I heard the sound of a dieing human. When I destroyed a wood plank I discovered the sun was up; I noticed in the distance that there were skeletons and what I assumed to be zombies on fire. However there was a new creature. It was a large spider. Not knowing if it was deadly, and in need of food; I left and headed in the opposite direction of the spider. As I rounded the corner to my shack I heard that horrible hissing noise. My body alerted to the sound imidiately and ran as fast as I could. After some time of running I discovered the creature was no longer following me. My stomach hurt from the lack of food and pain began to form in my body. I didn't realize what was happening until the pain was unbearable. I was starving to death. I had just layed down on the ground to ease the pain and the world went black again. I awoke in the same place I had when I died from the creature.

End of Chapter 3.

Chapter 4. The other.

I layed on the ground tired of this dreadful world and ready to give up. I'd kill myself now but what good would that do i'll just end up back here. It was no use; I had to complete Notch's quest or I would be stuck here forever. After laying there around 30 minutes I heard a noise from beside me. It was so familiar but so frightening(no not a creature that explodes). A girl's scream arose from beside me. In a matter of seconds there she was lying on the ground next to me. She was a mess, crying, screaming, and unaware of where she was. She turned to me a just started hitting me, screaming at me to take her back. I didn't know what to say, besides her attitutude she was gorgeous, thin, tan body, beautiful face, and other features that we probably shouldn't get to. I realized that she had given up hitting me and just cryed. Finally after some time Notch appeared. When he saw me there he was shocked. "Josh, why are you here? You should be out exploring and gathering." he said. I replied, " I was until I believe starved to death." He decided that I would be no problem being here and told the girl of what she had to do. She had the same quest as me, along with a similiar situation. She was in a coma at the hostpital and so was I. Notch was usuing some sort of Black portal, known as the end portal to transfer between our worlds. The only difference in our quest was that she was supposed to find me and help me, however I was already here. I felt my heart skip a beat as she would stay in this world with me. After all was said and done, the adventure continues......

End of Chapter 4.

Leave feed back on what you think so far. I will continue writing more chapters soon. Help Josh out and tell him information he needs to know(ex: creatures name).

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Mustangfang 06/18/2012 11:52:45 amJun 18th, 2012

Added Chapter 4.

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06/15/2012 6:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ddawgwall-'s Avatar
cool story bro
06/15/2012 6:49 pm
Level 26 : Expert Nerd
Mustangfang's Avatar
I will write more chapters tonight. Theres about 10 chapters more i plan on writing
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