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Minecraft: Good or Bad for you?

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11volt11's Avatar 11volt11
Level 39 : Artisan Creeper
Good morning everyone. I'm sure everyone at some point has been told that something that they like or often do is "bad for you." Whether it be rock music, candy, fried food, or video games, I'm sure that no one has lived thus far and not been told that something they love is bad for them. I'm going to call that phrase into question.

What makes something "bad for you?" It could be any number of reasons, or so the people that tell you that something is bad want you to believe. They say candy is unhealthy. They say rock is a bad influence. They say video games make you stupid. Well, the truth is, none of these things even matter. What really makes something "bad for you" is when you have too much of it. Too much of something, even a good thing, is bad. (Too many basic vegetables can mess up you stomach acids I think.) Am I saying that all the other things that people say to convince you that something is "bad for you" are false? Absolutely. How is rock any worse for you than classical music, or country? How worse are video games than books, provided that you read constantly? Fats and carbs are needed in your diet. So why beat down on candy?

This brings me to my next point. No one in their right mind would go around with the notion that rock is a bad influence anymore, since pretty much all rock these days is alternative. Video games are the focus of contemporary western society. So are they bad or not? In excess, yes, but that goes without saying. When it comes right down to it, video games require more thinking and creativity than either television or books could ever require.

As Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario, once said, "Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock-n-roll."

Let's take Minecraft for example. No other game comes close to the amount of creativity and imagination that Minecraft allows for the player to use.

So why does my teacher call it "mindless craft?" (He seriously does.) It's because all the people in my class play it excessively, so my teacher removed it. I don't blame him, because all the people in my class were creative mode noobs anyway. But that's beside the point. He removed it because everyone became obsessed and were distracted from their work. In that sense, Minecraft was bad, since it negatively influenced everyone's work ethic.

So what does this mean? It means that everything, at some point, was thought of being bad for you. People have a tendency to pick apart and try to find all the bad in something. This should not influence your enjoyment of whatever is in question, it's just always good to regulate how much of anything you have.

Thank you for reading, and remember to diamond, fave, and subscribe if you liked this!

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03/08/2013 3:53 pm
Level 29 : Expert Scribe
_DioM_'s Avatar
Quite true, for the most part!
12/10/2012 3:37 pm
Level 24 : Expert Dragonborn
RM_Epic's Avatar
Very well written. *clap, clap, clap*
12/10/2012 4:01 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Creeper
11volt11's Avatar
12/07/2012 9:40 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Nerd
ReaCraft's Avatar
Yes, you do need carbs and fat. Parents/Grandmas are worried that if we get carbs and fat from candy, we will become addicted and eat too many. BUT I LIKE CANDY!!!! =)
