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Minecraft noobs and pros. what are they?

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Level 44 : Master Explorer
Hello PMC. i am here to tell you guys what newbs and pros are.

What are noobs?
Noobs. We all know what they are. But what does "noob" mean?
Well, here's how it all starts. Some guy is on youtube and keeps seeing Minecraft videos pop up.

So, he checks it out. Now he whatches minecraft videos all the time now. And at some point,
He will want to check the game out. So he buys the game and knows very little facts about it.. So basicly,
He is an unexperienced player.

What are pros?
Pros. The experienced one. But what does "pro" mean?
A "pro" is somebody who has been playing minecraft for at least a year.
pros know all the controls and move pretty fast. pros can kill a creeper in 5 seconds. what im
trying to say is that pros are experienced and very good at playing the game Minecraft.

More facts about "noobs" and "pros"
Noobs might not have skins and pros have some.

What can pros do?
Pros, what can you do?
The best thing to do is help noobs and improve there skills.
The worst think is that you make fun of them and fill the chat with hate.
us pros have been through that moment when we build our first house.
kill our first creeper.
join our first server.
remember pros, noobs look up to you.

What can noobs do?
The best thing to do is look up some things on the internet, whatch videos
and try to get some help from a pro. If a pro starts to tease you, ignor them.
there idiots.
Remember noobs, your gonna get better. :)

Noobs are good!
If there was no noobs, no one would play minecraft!

Remember to diamond fav and sub!

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Monster Unicorns
04/23/2014 8:59 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Unicorn
Some spelling errors here and there but besides that a very true blog indeed! and every pro even SethBling was at one point a noob.
11/10/2013 9:16 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Botanist
What can pros do?Pros, what can you do?The best thing to do is help noobs and improve there skills.The worst think is that you make fun of them and fill the chat with hate.us pros have been through that moment when we build our first house.kill our first creeper.join our first server.remember pros, noobs look up to you. That's so sweet! Diamond :')
11/10/2013 9:59 am
Level 44 : Master Explorer
Thank you so much! :)
10/10/2013 9:07 am
Level 29 : Expert Taco
Noobs are annoying people who still don't know anything despite playing for a long time.
Newbs are new people in the game. xD
So, it's newbs.
10/10/2013 2:36 am
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
I thought it was a newb, not a noob?
10/09/2013 9:50 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
I never thought that noobs looked up to us as do little kids IRL.
10/09/2013 9:40 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pixel Puncher
Great work im a PRO!!!!!
10/09/2013 12:59 pm
Level 42 : Master Mage
Pfft! What Pro uses Iron Armour?
10/09/2013 8:00 pm
Level 20 : Expert Robot
Pros use iron armor so they can look more like a pro if they can kill in two hits :P
10/08/2013 8:05 pm
Level 41 : Master Geek
What you described as a "noob" is actually a newb...which is short for newbie which is short for new person. A "noob" is a person who has played the game for some time now and still stinks at it or somethin like that. Just sayin, good work though! ^-^

P.S. "Pro" stands for proffesional :3

P.P.S. You probably knew that :3

P.P.P.S. Diamonded :D
