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Minecraft Theory: Secrets of the Husk and Stray

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Level 40 : Master Nerd
Go search for those snowy and desert biomes, because we're about to uncover the secrets of the Husk and Stray!

It's been a while since I posted a theory. I've been mainly looking at the 1.10 update, and I'm actually impressed. It had new features, and at the same time wasn't at all like 1.9. While I was watching videos on 1.10, I saw two mobs that caught my eye, the Husk and Stray.
Image result for husk and stray
I mean, could these mobs look any more suspicious?

These mobs have many features, such as having gray, old skin, ripped clothing, and giving hunger and slowness effects. This could be just a coincidence, but I think otherwise. I believe the Husk and Stray have gotten a disease/infection that has caused them to be like this.

All of the evidence I pointed out can suggest this, but one could ask how they got this. Well, lets look into these mobs. They only spawn in desert or snowy places, and is there any other place that has a higher chance of getting a disease?

But, why do they only spawn here? Well, if we look at other parts of the mobs, you can notice stuff like the Husk being slightly taller than zombies, and the Stray having white eyes. Maybe the zombies and skeletons didn't accept these mobs, because you could tell they were obviously based off them. This explains why they only spawn in those places, they wanted to push them far away as possible, and they got there disease. Need more proof? Stray (As in a noun) means a stray person or thing, especially a domestic animal. While the noun version of Husk means something totally unrelated, the verb means to say something in a husky voice, which is likely for having a disease.

So there you have it, these two mobs carry a disease. But I wanted to look deeper. Is this disease contagious? Well, yes! During the Husk and Stray's attacks, you can get hunger or slowness effects, which happens in real diseases. Also, there's a chance of finding a zombie village. But if Husk and Stray can only spawn in one biome, how is it possible that zombie villages can be in multiple locations? Well just because they can only spawn there, doesn't mean that they can't move to different biomes.

And that's the end of this theory. I don't know how to end it, so I'll just put in a joke:

Today is a gift, that's why they call it the present!

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11/30/2017 8:00 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Explorer
What about the Stray? It drops tipped arrows and we all know that you need to get to the end to get tipped arrows.
07/07/2016 12:25 pm
Level 27 : Expert Hunter
To me strays remind me of the stories of revenants or vengeful spirits that my dad used to tell me
07/07/2016 12:59 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
06/30/2016 8:42 pm
Level 29 : Expert Princess
What if Husks and Strays are the corpses of players who died in deserts and snowy biomes? A Stray can be seen wearing armour or clothes, and is it possible that a Stray is a frozen player who died in a storm? And did you see those white eyes? HEROBRINE! Has Herobrine possessed this skeleton of this unlucky player?
And what about husks? Are they ancient pharaohs who rised up from their desert temple? Does anyone ever notice the hollowed out eyes of a Husk? In ancient Egypt they took out the eyes, heart, liver and some more organs before they wrapped their kings in bandages. But a Husk can clearly be seen without bandages, so is this theory correct?
Or are they players who died from thirst and starvation in the desert? Maybe they were players infected by zombies, and eventually dried out.
06/30/2016 9:49 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
I'd like to answer all that, by saying this. You should post something on that topic.
07/01/2016 1:25 am
Level 29 : Expert Princess
I probably should xD
You can I don't care xD
07/01/2016 7:08 am
Level 40 : Master Nerd
I've already posted stuff about endermen being players, and I'm about to make another theory for villagers revolving around that
06/20/2016 9:18 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
this is a very cool theory, i like how you go indepth with it.
06/20/2016 9:23 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
I guess you could say, I dug deep! Get it, cuz it's a theory, and in depth, and you can dig in sand and snow...QUICK THINK OF A CAT PUN! Um, how would you describe this? I'd say it's clawesome!
07/08/2016 4:43 am
Level 29 : Expert Princess
XD You're hilarious Endure
