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Null. The so called "New Herobrine"

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Spartains's Avatar Spartains
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
Hello everyone. I would like to talk about something called "Null" Is he real or fake? Well... Let's fund out! 


Here's why! Ok. First off: The video by the youtuber "AlongCameJosh" The 3 parts where we apparently see this null character seems to be heavily edited. The screen bugging and flickering looks like he found some stock effects and used them in the video then on the last flicker he cuts and has his friend join as "Null"


#2: Ever since the AlongCameJosh video's the sightings started popping up. But if this null character has been around since beta. Why has no one else reported him up until this video came out. This means that these videos started the rumor and everyone joined in on the fun and started making up sightings. Because again. Think about it. Null has never been heard of or seen. Then these videos come out. Suddenly this null guy is the new herobrine and is being brought up everywhere.


#3: Herobrine (I do believe herobrine) Entity 303 and THEN Null. Noticing a pattern? Well if you aren't I will explain it to you. Everytime one of these new creatures are made up someone makes up another creature. (As you can see here. Entity 303 comes up. Then Null comes up)


If that's not enough proof he is fake. I'll tell you this now. NONE OF THESE MYTHS ARE IN THE GAMES CODE. None. Nothing at all. If your about to say. "Well null is not coded in because hes a ghost and he joins random worlds" Well don't. If he is in your world and it's not multiplayer and he places signs that say stuff. It would HAVE to be in the games code. Entity 303 was not in the games code either and niether was Herobrine.(Yes. I know I said I believe in him. Hes not real obviously but I choose to believe in him simply because its more fun that way)

Some other small proof hes not real is everyone says they see him yet they never have proof, and when they do. It's always a photoshopped image and its extremely low res.

So no. As always hes not real. He never was real and never will be. (Also no. I am in no way hating on AlongCameJosh. I may actually sub to his channel just because his content seems fun to watch.)

Hopefully that was enough proof. If you still believe in it then. Honestly... I don't know what else to tell you.

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02/16/2019 8:15 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
Microgamer_Cz's Avatar
Yeah, but some hacker (maybe) entered Herobrine or null to the game code so perfectly so didn't even noticed Mojang (owned by Microsoft) or Mojang created these ghosts and they lied to us. Unfortunately, these ghosts can not answer or write for themselves, because AI is still young and everything that can be done by them has been pre-programmed by a human, and I still have no doubt about these ghosts. (Almost I forgot on Entity 303 - Entity303 is/was hacker that broke down to players world)
01/16/2017 9:29 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
minecraftnerd220's Avatar
I liked the herobrine one but the other ones I don't like at all
10/24/2015 5:49 am
Level 1 : New Network
Ruddyswordman2's Avatar
If You See My Last Post And Want To Talk To Me Send Me A Message
10/24/2015 5:45 am
Level 1 : New Network
Ruddyswordman2's Avatar
Null is not in the code of minecraft as you said but i know how null is well there. Null has a blank skin and no name tag. He does not crash the game and place signs. Null is a rendering bug of a player so minecraft thinks thats its on a server when its not. So Its Finding a unknown player skin a cant find a x,y,z or skin. But There Is a Bug In Minecraft Where You Can See Null But that bug was Minecraft PE Lite Edition. To Do That You Need At Least 2 People And Connected To The Same World. Get 1 Player do die and the other player has to goto the death point of the other player and he will be where the player died. This Happend To me And My Friends So I Know It Works.
11/01/2014 3:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MineSwords's Avatar
Guys this happened to me recently. I was watching videos on Youtube
about Five Nights at Freddy's then I saw a Minecraft Noteblock Map
about the song of the game Five Nights at Freddy's. I checked it out
then installed the map. There were signs (which are guidelines) then in
every sign (not all though) there is the word "null" I don't know what
to do! Can someone help me? If you do not believe me, try downloading
the map itself. here is the link by the way: www.mediafire.com/download/4cbceau63ywm78a/grande1899s+Note+Block+World+10.zip

Hope someone could help me!
11/26/2014 2:13 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
Spartains's Avatar
I downloaded it. The signs were normal.
10/03/2014 10:28 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Taco
k-man2134's Avatar
Yo just so you know ACJ's video is false... watch TheMuteTroll for more info
10/04/2014 12:34 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
Spartains's Avatar
I'll be sure to watch it.
