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shading tutorial

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gay rights's Avatar gay rights
Level 53 : Grandmaster Magical Boy
so I've gotten a few people asking how I shade so here's a tutorial
the skin I was making during this was actually my end of a skin trade with walk so go check her out
also I generally make skins with GIMP so no fancy 3D model sorry
it's also going to be 99% pictures because I can't explain things very well
if you have any questions feel free to ask :>

also the cover for this sucks I know but it's like 2:30 in the morning and it's the best I could do for now
hey it's better than nothing

also I say also a lot

update: credit me by name if you use any of this shading. sure i made a tutorial showign how i do it but it's still mine u know. gotta credit me like you would anything else
shading tutorial
shading tutorial
shading tutorial

^make sure to do that sort of thing on the bottom so it doesn't look weird^

this is how I do smaller portions of leg
not that great but it works


ok so the base color here is the third color of my palette. Just saying.

as for the face area I just generally do this sort of thing

long hair
the base color here is also the third color in my palette if you couldn't tell



add 2nd layers/hat layers where you want
in my case this is what I did



shorter shoes

longer shoes/pants

here are all the colors I used on this skin
use any of it just give some form of credit please


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12/20/2016 9:20 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Strawberry
pechee's Avatar
It's nice but... the only downside to this is people might steal your skinning style.... but idk if your okay with that or not so
gay rights
12/20/2016 11:51 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Magical Boy
gay rights's Avatar
true tbh. though thankfully the few people i've seen use it have given credit! ^^ also thank you!
12/21/2016 8:35 am
Level 34 : Artisan Strawberry
pechee's Avatar
yw! And I'm glad to hear that! I've reported over ten people for editing "famous"/known user's skins and not leaving credit or them just posting their skin & not leaving credit
gay rights
12/21/2016 2:19 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Magical Boy
gay rights's Avatar
i've had to report a lot of skins like that too. they're all over skindex. it's disappointing, honestly. literally 99% of the reason i have to put "PLEASE DO NOT EDIT/REPOST MY SKINS" on every skin i make is bc people keep taking them and reposting them to skindex. it does seem to have helped quite a bit though, so
12/21/2016 5:21 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Strawberry
pechee's Avatar
Yeah, I feel bad about this too, but you can find good skins on skindex, even if they are stolen. I have found pretty decent skins on there, that are actually really hard to find here, making my patience decrease.
gay rights
12/21/2016 11:56 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Magical Boy
gay rights's Avatar
that is true. i'd be more okay with it if more people gave credit to the original owner as most of them don't.
09/29/2016 4:59 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
1980s's Avatar
i feel the power to upload skins now
brb i have to be creative
what skin editor do you use? ;w;
gay rights
09/29/2016 6:10 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Magical Boy
gay rights's Avatar
aa you should !! i currently use MCskin3D, though i used gimp at the time i made this tutorial.
09/29/2016 6:19 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
1980s's Avatar
Downloading things scare me ;-;
Do you use any website editors? ;w;
gay rights
09/29/2016 6:25 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Magical Boy
gay rights's Avatar
this is pretty good! (it messed up when I just put the normal link ??? ok)
09/29/2016 6:29 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
1980s's Avatar
(good job)
Thanks! :D, Im gonna try to make one and have it uploaded tomorrow morning possibly...
If I like it, That is >.>
gay rights
09/29/2016 6:32 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Magical Boy
gay rights's Avatar
no problem!! i bet it will look great ;v; good luck!
