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Spore Theories #1

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EmpireSpore's Avatar EmpireSpore
Level 43 : Master Explorer

Pre-earth Spore

This is my theory in the case that Spore happens before humans. It's the most accepted and common theory about Spore history. In Spore, we can see there is no civilization in Earth, and no humans. So this means Spore could be before the human evolution on Earth. But, we go to the Galaxy's center and we find Steve. Nobody talks about him, and apparently only Grox know who is he. So, probably, the Grox confined him into the Galaxy's center to be protected of his life tools. Also, he says they (who?) are selling thethird rock from the sun , so, he is selling the Earth. He also gives us his life tools. So, we can go and destroy/create life in the Earth. But, why? So, this will be this theory:
  • Steve is a scientist confined in the Galaxy's center by the Grox for defending themselves of his life tools. He is the good one
  • We can make two decisions:
    • Destroy the Earth
    • Create life with the Steve's life tools, and, in consequence, humans.

  • Here the Grox are the bad ones, but we can choose to destroy or to ally them.
  • The security bots that appear in the first mission could be Steve allies.

Also think that, when you destroy the Earth, you get the "Oh the humanity!" achievement. So, you have destroyed the humanity, but as there are no humans on the Earth, this means it happens before the human evolution.

Post-earth Spore

In this theory, Spore happens after Simcity 2000, so, after Steve destroys the Earth. At the Galaxy's center, Steve says us he is selling the third rock from the Sun, so, he is selling the Earth. So, as Steve conquered the Earth, this would make sense. The question is, why would he do that? Maybe Steve is only a merchant, to powerful and ambitious. Maybe, in an attempt of a powerful creation, we made an experiment with the Grox and they turned into what they actually are. And they confined him to avoid other empires run the same destiny. So:
  • Steve is a merchant or a conqueror, that turned the Grox into what they actually are. He also conquered the Earth and erased the humans. So, he is the bad one
  • The Grox confined Steve to save other empires of his ambition. They are the good ones
  • The security bots could be Steve allies, that just finished erasing another civilization.
  • You can destroy Earth or create life, doesn't really matter as humans don't exist any more.

This last theory is weak, and I don't like it very much.

This is the best theory for me, maybe not the most probable but the most interesting in my opinion:

Steve is Spode

Zealots say Spode is a big eye with a lot of legs. We play it as if Spode is the entire galaxy, but, why not Steve? He is a circle with some legs. He can make "miracles" with his life tools. So, maybe Steve is saying he is Spode to get all the Zealot force. And zealots are in all the galaxy. So:
  • Steve says he is Spode, to get the entire Zealot force, so they conquer the galaxy in his name (zealots don't know Steve existance). So, he is the bad one, he and all the zealots who help him.

  • Grox can be two things:
    • Conquerors, confining Steve as a pact of peace in the case zealots turn against them
    • Just a big empìre that is trying to stop the Spode war.

  • The security bots are Steve allies.
  • The Earth could be destroyed by Steve or their allies.
  • If you kill the Grox, there will be no stop for the Spode war (especially if you are a zealot), so we can consider you a bad guy. You can't kill Steve, though.

I hoped you liked my theories,

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01/09/2015 5:59 pm
Level 43 : Master Explorer
EmpireSpore's Avatar
Lol does anyone even play Spore anymore xD
01/10/2015 7:06 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Narwhal
Echo_Kitten's Avatar
I play Spore
01/10/2015 7:08 pm
Level 43 : Master Explorer
EmpireSpore's Avatar
01/10/2015 7:11 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Narwhal
Echo_Kitten's Avatar
Hehe :3
06/05/2015 11:11 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Spunky_Sam's Avatar
I do too!
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