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SU Theory: Who is Smoky Quartz?

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Endure_Slayer's Avatar Endure_Slayer
Level 40 : Master Nerd
I will be using leaked titles and characters in this blog, so if you do not like spoilers, click away. If not, then please continue.

So I'm a big Steven Universe fan, and naturally when I heard the episode title, "Smoky Quartz," I was already excited. I saw a lot of videos on YouTube suggesting that Smoky was a future fusion, and that it's the gem that'll allow Jasper to be healed from corruption (We know she's corrupted, from the episode title, "Jasper's Corruption."). They all suggested that Steven would fuse with Lapis, Peridot, or Garnet or something like that. Don't get me wrong, they're good theories, but there's one thing: They're wrong. By the end of this blog, you'll know that Smoky Quartz's TRUE identity. So grab some popcorn, soda, a Smoky Quartz in real life, and lets get straight into this Steven Universe theory!

So lets see who Steven will fuse with. Since there's a lot of gems, it'll be easiest to list them all first. The gems that we know as of now, are Ruby, Sapphire, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Jasper, the Diamonds, and the Cluster.

I think it's safe to assume that the Cluster wont fuse with Steven, because it has to be formed to fuse, which'll destroy the earth, therefore recreating Peridot's "Bye bye Earth." We can do the same for the Diamonds, because they probably would never fuse with Steven.

So now lets look at the rest of the Homeworld gems. Jasper is probably the least likely to fuse. She will be corrupted now, and doesn't really like Steven. Peridot has a lot of affection for Steven, but keep in mind she has not created her dance to fuse, and also keep in mind that fusions usually use both gems' weapons, and Peridot's weapon hasn't been revealed yet. Lapis has strong affection for Steven, much like Peridot. But she was trapped in a fusion for several months, so she probably wont be willing to do it again. Also, she hates Jasper, so there's that :/

Now we're down to our final 5. Let me take out 2, by saying that if Ruby or Sapphire were going to fuse, they'd fuse as Garnet. Pearl may be considered someone who'd fuse, but she's fused with Rose before, to form Rainbow Quartz. So if they fuse, they'll probably just fuse a different version of that gem. Amethyst is...difficult. Don't get me wrong, I like Amethyst. Heck, she's one of my favorite characters. But we've seen them try to fuse before, and they burst into giggles every time. At last but not least, Garnet. I don't see ANYTHING wrong with Steven fusing with her! She's a master with fusion, he's seen Ruby and Sapphire multiple times, she has a strong love for Steven, so there's pretty much no competition!

And finally, the person who'll be fusing with Steven is (Drum roll please)..................................................................NO ONE! Dun dun DUN!

Why will Steven fuse with no one, well, lets look at the facts. Steven is half human, so we don't even know if he can fuse with full gems. Also, lets look at the only time Steven has fused, which was Stevonnie. Stevonnie doesn't has "Quartz" in it. But some could start the argument that when Amethyst came up with that name, she was just joking. Well, consider that Amethyst knew of Rose, and her fusions. So, what am I implying? I'm implying that Smoky Quartz isn't a fusion of Steven, but in fact of Steven!

But, how is this important to healing Jasper? Well, Rose has a lot of the same powers as Steven (Duh). So maybe she was in the fusion of Smoky Quartz when she realized her power.

But hey! That's, just a theory! A Steven Universe theory (This blog doesn't really work with that joke)! Thanks for reading :P

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cat noir
07/17/2016 5:45 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
cat noir's Avatar
but as a fan of steven universe theres 3 things i'll leave you with thats a diamond and 2 steven universe quizs
the 1st steven universe quiz url is here:http://www.doquizzes.com/QPYMBK and the 2nd one is here:www.playbuzz.com/sardando10/how-well-do-you-know-steven-universe
07/17/2016 10:37 am
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
So you're a fan of Steven Universe, yet you don't want me talking about Steven Universe...?
Eli the Zeratoed
07/24/2016 5:01 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
lol I wonder if he Only knows of Season 1... Scratchy Opinions of the series come from Season 1 (Cat Fingers... Oh Gosh Please No! No! No! Nooooo! >:P). Any Season 2 or 3 Episodes with Peridot is an easy 5 Star. Also yeah I have heard of Miraculous Ladybug, but I've only seen the Anime Trailer, which looks more appealing to me. CGI kinda makes me not watch the series for a while, but the Concept is amazing! Besides my Digression of Miraculous Ladybug, Variety is good, it doesn't have to be just Minecraft. PMC has more than Just Minecraft for many years, and I mostly look at Endure's stuff just for the Steven Universe Theories. (Also Endure, I'm waiting for your Opinion on Too Short to Ride! :3)
07/24/2016 7:19 am
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar

This episode was amazing! We got more Peridot, more Peridot calling people clods, more...Onion..., and that Peridot has metal bending powers! But I don't think that it'll have any significance with the show, apart for Bismuth being a me-OHMYGAWD
Eli the Zeratoed
07/24/2016 9:08 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
That Episode Was just... YAHHHZZZ!! I'm so glad you liked it too! It made my heart all warm when I heard your Opinion on it! <3
08/09/2016 9:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ProfTricky's Avatar
peridot stab jasper with a metal bar in Earthlings
cat noir
07/17/2016 5:30 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
cat noir's Avatar
you do realize that if steven could fuse with connie(full human) than surely he should be able to fuse with a full gem
07/17/2016 10:34 am
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
That's not confirmed. The only reason he can fuse with Connie is because he's half human.
08/09/2016 9:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ProfTricky's Avatar
Yes it is, in Earthlings part 2. Steven and ( A GEM) fuse to become Smoky Quartz. And about centipeede. If a corrupted gem fuse with a normal gem. Confirmed with Jasper and the snow monster gem form gem hunt. And smokey quart Steven fuse with ether peridot or amethyst.
Where's a tip it end with a T.
08/09/2016 11:13 am
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
Dude, you realize Earthlings aired yesterday? And this blog was made a month ago. No need to tell me something I already know.
cat noir
07/17/2016 5:26 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
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