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The Blood Creeper (story)

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00jordy's Avatar 00jordy
Level 38 : Artisan Demolitionist

Blood Creeper

The Sun is setting in the sky, cold air blows throughout Minecraftia. All the villagers have closed their windows, and locked their doors, as the Red Moon rises high. All other monsters hide deep in there mouldy caves, as a dark danger starts to prowl in the night...

"Snap!" You break the last block of wood from the old birch tree, you look and see the sun setting, you start to head home. As you approach the road home, you notice that the monsters you usually see are no where to be seen. You start to move faster, as the dark air starts to set in. There's your house, just a few blocks ahead, but all of a sudden... CRACK! Lightning strikes right in front of you, and a large fire breaks out, you turn and run the other way, into the dark forest...

As you sprint eagerly through the thick branches and shrubs, you trip over a small root, and your face lands in mud. You get up quickly and start to run again, but suddenly you hear heavy thuds dangerously close to where you are running. 'HISSSSSSSSSSSSSS" You turn expecting to see a creeper, but instead you see a red figure, with glowing red eyes, staring deeply at you. You have nothing but a stone axe, so you swing it wildly in the strange creatures direction. You miss, and the creature lunges at you...

You awake several hours later, the sun is rising and your head feels horrible. You stand up and shake the dry dirt of your body. You look at your arm and see a bite mark, surrounded by red ooze. You wearily stumble home...

Later that day, the sun is setting, and you have a strange, dark feeling. You go outside to get some firewood, but all of a sudden the red moon starts to rise, and you feel darkness overcome you. You try to scream but all you hear is "HISSS!". Suddenly, you seem to lose control of your body, and you have an urge for blood.

You wonder to a nearby NPC village and creep up to an unweary villager, suddenly, you pounce! You sink your teeth into his torso and shake your head wildly. He lets out a scream of agony. He pulls out his sword and turns around."AHH!" He lets out a cry as he sinks his blade deep into your chest. You look down, then up, and you hear a sizzling deep inside of you. And then...


The NPC gets up and looks around, you have blown up. He shakes the dirt of off him and cleans the bite wound with water from the well. Then he stumbles home...


Hope you liked this story,
-Yours sincerely, 00Jordy

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12/25/2011 6:48 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
ProCreeperKilla's Avatar
hey jordy hows the mod coming along beacsue i just thought of THE BEST THING EVER iw ould like to talk to yoshi whatever his name is about the mod or even test it
12/25/2011 7:18 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Demolitionist
00jordy's Avatar
SRy dude, yoshiblimp hasn't replied to me yet, you can try to contact him if you wish, but i don't know any other modders...
12/25/2011 7:22 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
ProCreeperKilla's Avatar
k how do i conact him
12/25/2011 7:53 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Demolitionist
00jordy's Avatar
go to members and look up "yoshiblimp" click on the on that comes up, then go to his "suggestions for my mod" blog and post stuff there for him to see =) good luck
12/26/2011 12:09 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
ProCreeperKilla's Avatar
thx man
12/22/2011 12:06 am
Level 39 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
prespres's Avatar
awesome :)
12/22/2011 12:14 am
Level 38 : Artisan Demolitionist
00jordy's Avatar
Thanks :)
12/22/2011 12:22 am
Level 39 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
prespres's Avatar
is it okay if i add blood creeper to my blog i will give u credit

12/22/2011 1:10 am
Level 38 : Artisan Demolitionist
00jordy's Avatar
Sure :)
12/22/2011 1:12 am
Level 39 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
prespres's Avatar
okay thanks i added it u can check it out :)
12/22/2011 5:04 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
ProCreeperKilla's Avatar
YAY it worked out :) so hows the mod going
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