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Thoughts of a Minecrafter: Online Gaming

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Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
Thoughts of a Minecrafter
Online Gaming

It's summer, which makes it the prime time to hop on your computer and get gaming, and a big community spend the hot weather playing on Minecraft (myself included, so I'm not judging). One of the great features of Minecraft is that you can play online, on big servers alongside players from across the world. I bounced around for a short while, but I'll say my favourite server would be Hive. I think it's safe to say a lot of you have probably heard of Hive.

Often, I'll play a good game of Trouble in Mineville (TIMV), which I really do enjoy. I no longer attend high school, so I've got a lot of free time on my hands. I'll still spend that playing Minecraft, but across the year, and it really made me notice something. People are horrible in the summer.
1) Gameplay
Ever heard of a rule book? Yeah, some people on Hive really need to look that one up, I'm afraid. It's unfortunate, but the amount of randomers and hackers that have been appearing across the past month is actually crazy. For all of you who aren't familiar with TIMV, the term "randomer", shortened to "rdmer", refers to a player who runs around killing basically everybody.

If you can read, the rules of TIMV are actually very simple. You get assigned a role at the very beginning of the game. Not midway, not after. The start, which is usually the place when things begin. Funny that. You're either an Innocent, a Detective or a Traitor. Sound familiar? Well, it should do, because this game is based off of Trouble in Terrorist Town, if you hadn't already coined that. Innocents and Detectives must discover the Traitors and kill them. Traitors must kill Innocents and Detectives, but not other Traitors. Essentially, you have two teams. Simple.

So why is not simple?
Strike 1: The Randomer.
I don't understand how many accounts these people have, but they really don't seem to care about getting banned on a server they clearly enjoy playing on. The Randomer's goal in life seems to be annoying other players. I say "seems" because I honestly don't understand their mentality
. Some will proudly own up to it. They get banned rather quickly. Others decide to argue, defending themselves and getting angry if another player decides to kill them for randoming.

Thoughts of a Minecrafter: Online Gaming

I mean, what do they expect? Of course other players will get tired of them. Of course other players will want to kill them (in game). The issue with the Randomer is that they ruin games. A game will fly by too quickly, players will lose karma for killing someone Innocent, and sometimes, a Traitor with an elaborately planned scheme will just get randomed the moment the game begins. The last one is the most irritating scenario. Randoming Detectives, too. Where do these people come from? Middle school, I presume, and they make it their life's goal to irritate Hive's TIMV community. I'm not even the only one to notice it. Other players have been remarking on the sudden increase in Randomers. The correlation? School's out, and some bored kid has decided he wants to go on a murdering spree. In that case, go to Survival Games, and stop ruining someone else's day.

Strike 2: The Hacker
This one is very self-explanatory. The number of people who turn to fly hacks and kill aura is just far too many. I'm sure all servers experience this, but the number of Hackers appearing on Hive this summer is kind of frustrating. Hacking in a Minecraft minigame is essentially an announcement that you suck at Minecraft. There's honestly no counter argument in this debate. Any player who has to rely on "hacks" (or "hax", that always makes me laugh when it appears) clearly needs to rethink about deleting their Minecraft account entirely. They appear much less than Randomers, and they're far easier to root out, but Hackers are just plain annoying.

Strike 3: The Ghoster
Did you get killed by that Traitor in a completely secluded place at the beginning of the game? Do you feel salty about it? Are you playing with a friend? Do you tell your friend the name of said Traitor? Then, you're a Ghoster. This is probably one of the least irritating offences, but it's definitely the cheapest. If you get killed by a Traitor, fair game, man. Don't ruin the game for someone else because you failed to watch your own back. Your friend can figure out the truth for themselves, and if they don't, why not enjoy watching the very same Traitor who killed you sneak up on your friend's unknowing back? Ghosting is a cheap tactic, but it very rarely happens.

Strike 4: The Teamer
This is probably my least favourite amongst the four TIMV sinners. Teamers are people who can't play the game. A Teamer is someone who is in a party or Skype call or whatever with a friend or someone else, I don't know. Unlike most players who can maturely play with their friends without Teaming, the Teamer uses this as an opportunity to scrape in some extra karma. Teaming is when Innocents/Detectives work with a Traitor. The Traitor tells the Innocent/Detective who their other Traitors are, so that said Innocent/Detective can earn more karma. Karma is TIMV's point system. Players with more karma are generally better at the game, and with enough karma, sometimes earn respect. Teamers seem to latch on to this, as their sole goal is to earn as much karma each round as possible. The game is ruined for everyone but the Teamers. They can be rooted out easily, too, but usually after a few games until someone can confirm it. This is a big sign that someone can't work out who the Traitors are for themselves, or can't get many kills as a Traitor. It's pathetic. PvP comes with practice, which the Teamer doesn't seem to understand...

2) Manners
You'd be surprised, but some people really don't have them. I'm not talking about calling people "noobs". For me, that's perfectly reasonable. "Noob" is not a heinous insult. It's the equivalent of calling someone incompetent, and likely derives from the term "Newb", i.e. "Newbie", i.e. "Are you new? Because you suck". Yet, for some reason, people flame about it. In fact, one of my friends got told off by a Hive moderator for calling a Randomer a noob. Who wouldn't call a Randomer a noob? This moderator, apparently, and she had the gall to tell my friend to record Randomers, despite several players telling this moderator that the "noob" in question, was a Randomer. At the same time, not a single player (apart from myself) batted an eyelid when one guy worked around the chat filter, and called someone the C-word. It's the one word that I wouldn't call someone in person. It's very rude, and I don't understand why people feel the need to use such a word in a game where children as young as eight, maybe younger, may be playing. "Noob"? Fine. F-word, S-word, B-word: whatever. C-word? Inexcusable. It's very unnecessary to say that in Minecraft.

Another bad mannerism of some Hive players is saying "kys" or other variants. It might seem harmless, but when you put it in perspective, you're telling someone to end their life. I'm not being sensitive, but you have to consider it like this:
You wouldn't tell someone to kill themselves in real life, so why are you doing it when you can hide behind a screen?
I've played a game where two girls were repeatedly telling this one guy to "Go die". I used this same reasoning with them, and other players agreed with me. "Go die". "Kill yourself". It's so easy to type in a chat, but if you were face to face with a real human being, would you really have to mentality to tell them to end their lives in all seriousness? I really don't think so. The majority of these rude children would back off at that point. The rest would need professional help. This whole "kys" mentality is all over the internet. People don't realise how immature and unnecessary they're being, because they have the World Wide Web to hide behind. It's pathetic. I experienced a similar insult when playing with Crez this one time. A guy told her to "get cancer". There are plenty of people in the world who have cancer, or suffer because someone they love has cancer. How selfish do you need to be to throw out insults such as "get cancer"?

Thoughts of a Minecrafter: Online Gaming

It's incredibly inconsiderate, and you have to wonder where they get this mentality from. Never in my life in games such as Minecraft, Club Penguin, and any other internet online world I experienced when I was eleven and older- never have I felt the need to tell someone to "go die" or "get cancer". In the future, if I'm a parent, I think I might feel the need to pass by my child's screen if they play online games, just to see if they're being nice. And if they're not, they're not mature enough to play online with real people. Part of a parent's responsibility is to raise someone who works well with other people. Biologically, humans are supposed to function in packs or tribes, so they need to be able to communicate with other humans. These people, though, and they probably are quite young to be throwing out such insults, don't deserve to sit there on their laptops. If I was a parent, I would take away a rude child's laptop or computer, and not return it until they're 14 and need it for school work.
3) Self-Important Premiums
Don't get me wrong: there are plenty of lovely Premium players who follow the rules and respect other players. Unfortunately, not every Premium is a kind human being. A lot of them become arrogant due to having a different coloured name to everyone else. One thing I've always liked about Hive is that, in game, Premiums don't get overblown benefits that ensure their victory. They can enter games that are full, and have a special lobby to themselves. A lot of players get irked when they're removed from a lobby to make space for a Premium. "You pay, you play"; it's a motto Crez and I have had since we first started playing on the Hive.

But some Premiums let their status go to their head. They walk into a lobby, and a lot of players instantly begin sucking up to them. It's sickening to watch, sometimes, especially when they lavish it all in, and start acting like they invented Minecraft itself. A lot of these Self-Important Premiums aim to have the green lifetime Premium membership. In their minds, money equates to popularity, so they spend their £45 (€50, $60) on this. Hey, each to their own. You can easily pick them out from the nice Premiums. They're not exactly good players. They've played TIMV a few times, coined that money means people want to talk to you, and then bought it, rather than gain some experience first. If you ask them to test, they ignore you, or refuse to do so, even if they're Innocent. Oh, but because you asked them to test, and you're not a Premium, you have to test, even though you've already tested 4 or 5 times. They cling to other Premiums; they seemingly can't respect players who aren't Premium. They basically validate people based on money, and it's sad. They can't detect when they're in the wrong; because they're Premium, they must be right...
No, actually. That's not true. And because they're Premium, other players fall into to the trap of fueling their arrogance. Other players defend their wrongs, other players place them on a pedestal. Even though they're not nice people, they become the model figure. There are plenty of nice Premiums out there, good players who I would much rather follow than some see-through lackwit who throws their money around for popularity. It's a trap that, unfortunately, loads of people fall for. Not every Premium is worth your time, but meeting the nice ones is very refreshing.
Those are just some of my thoughts, and they mostly apply to Hive. I know a lot of people play on Hypixel, so maybe there are similar issues there? The fact of the matter is, the online environment worsens over summer due to the increased number of immature players present. I'd say it's largely 12 year olds, but I know there are some respectable 12 year old players out there. I just want to urge people to play nicely online, as everyone else is just as human as you. Also, I think we should start a petition to send nasty children to summer camp, in order to better the world. All in all: I can't wait until they go back to school!

Thoughts of a Minecrafter: Online Gaming

Feel free to share your own "Online Gaming" experiences and thoughts, and thank you for taking the time to read this.

CreditCrescendo, Hakno, Hive

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07/21/2017 4:42 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
I agree, I play this online game called moomoo.io, and the most annoying thing is when some guy on your clan decides to be a troll, and you cant do nothing about it because you can't hurt them, or when someone decides to hack and they are impossible to kill. Great blog btw.
07/21/2017 6:29 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
Plania's Avatar
That really does sound annoying >.< hackers and trolls really do ruin a good game sometimes. And thank you ^^
07/21/2017 11:50 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragon
Armok's Avatar
I agree with you on so many levels here
07/21/2017 2:08 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
Plania's Avatar
You sound like a seasoned veteran xD
07/21/2017 4:58 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragon
Armok's Avatar
pretty much, I got a bit fed up with the big servers and now just hang around on a small one
07/21/2017 6:28 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
Plania's Avatar
Fair enough; summer really does make playing on big servers unpleasant at times
07/21/2017 11:20 am
Level 81 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
Yes make them go back to school
07/21/2017 2:08 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
Plania's Avatar
Send them away xD
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