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Travelling far in the overworld using the nether- A simple guide

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MinecraftDonut's Avatar MinecraftDonut
Level 50 : Grandmaster Demolitionist
Hey! You there! Person who is reading this blog! Wassup. Welcome to how to travel quickly in the overworld using the nether! I have a message for all of my subscribers but I will get to that at the end. :P (No Minecraft dimension pun intended)

So to begin there are a few key things you will need to know before we begin:

  1. Every Block in the nether is 8 blocks in the over world
  2. In the overworld if you place a portal 1000 blocks away from another portal than when you return from the nether you will go to the first one built. (Or the one closest to spawn I don't quite remember)

So let us begin with the steps.

The first thing you want to do is find your desired location. This is extremely important because... well.... Well you get the point.

The next thing you must do is mark the desired location of your portal

Once you do that you will need to do some math.
First find your x and z coords. Then round that to the nearest whole number and divide it by 8. You do this because every 1 block in the nether is 8 blocks in the overworld. WRITE DOWN THE COORDS AFTER YOU HAVE DIVIDED BY 8.

After that you must go to the nether.Remember those coords you wrote down just a minute ago? Yeah- you have to go tothose coords but in the nether.

When you reach those coords, build a portal there- but make sure it is above y 64 otherwise your overworld portal might spawn in a cave. Then go through the portal you just made.

Now if you have done this correctly you should have a portal spawn NEARthe desired location. You marked it to know that your portal spawned in the right place. If you did not get to your desired destination- retry the steps above.

Now you can get to your destination in a matter of minutes! :D

I hope you enjoyed this blog as this is how I learned to nether travel. I use it all the time in vanilla minecraft! If you enjoyed be sure to diamond, comment or favorite. Want to see more of my shtuff? Subscribe if that is the case! And I will see you guys later, PEACH OFF!


Message to mah subs
So. How is it going. I bet you aren't subscribed to me but are reading this anyway. BUT IF YOU AREN'T THEN YOU ARE AWESOME. Anyway. Where have I been? Where am I going? 1. I've been outside enjoying life. 2. Well... I am trying to work on multiple things at once you see... I am trying to make a mod, make an app, make YouTube videos, make sure PMC stays awesome, and many other things. So if I don't make anything for weeks on end- just know that something is on the way. I might even do a mini skin or building or something. (Yes colors Im talking to you.) So uhh yeah. You should stop reading this now. Stop reading. STAHP. I SAID STAHP READING. Wow you are bad at following directions. I bet you didn'teven follow the directions in the blog did you. You just Yolo'd it. Oh well... CYA LATER.

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01/17/2014 7:12 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pony
StealingDaPenta's Avatar
What I don't understand is how I can 'link my netherportal' or stop it from linking it with the protal from someone else :/
01/17/2014 8:49 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Demolitionist
MinecraftDonut's Avatar
You just got to be really far away from them. If you are too close it will automatically link
01/18/2014 3:04 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pony
StealingDaPenta's Avatar
Yeah so if your MC neighbourg haves a portal, you are screwed?
01/18/2014 5:00 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Demolitionist
MinecraftDonut's Avatar
Basically, yes
10/08/2013 10:36 pm
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
Danthec00lman's Avatar
I already knew this but nice tutorial ;)
10/08/2013 1:44 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Engineer
[Colors]'s Avatar
You are implying that I of all people are inactive? Pfft. No c:
10/08/2013 5:37 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Demolitionist
MinecraftDonut's Avatar
lol. dood. We need 2 do a build together. I'm so bored and have nothing to do besides homework.
10/08/2013 8:04 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Engineer
[Colors]'s Avatar
Be bored no longer! Join Novo Lenio, the IP is on my profile.It's the nicest server I've seen in a while :]

Oh yeah, you are on the pop reel :D
10/08/2013 10:41 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Demolitionist
MinecraftDonut's Avatar
Awwwww yeah. Btw I am catching up to you in levels >:D
