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WARNIGN!Minecraft passwords where exploited!

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fillpant's Avatar fillpant
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
As you may have heared, minecraft accounts and passwords where exploited. Read that:
 Soo here some password tips i learned thru my "ethical hacking - it security" corse for new passwords:
----{Password Tips}----

1. Use passwords with more than 7 characters
2. Never include: your name,phone, petname, Birthdate, email or such personal information that can easily be guesed by someone you know. <remember! your="" friend="" might="" be="" worse="" enemy!!!="">
3. Use both lower and upercase leters!
4. NEVER put your minecraft name as password!
5. Use both numbers and letters on passwords.
6. Use a good antivirus!
7. Check your password strenght here:http://password-checker.online-domain-tools.com/ Sorry for the link, if you mods think its inapropriate please remove.
8. Be carefull! some people are able to force you tell them the pasword, this tecnique is called social engineering and some people relate it to Human hacking because eventualy its a way to trick people to pass them info or take info from them.
9. dont login from School computers or internet caffes or even public networks, there are the folowing dangers:
a. a virus (look at point 6)
b. a network Snif atack (Snif atack is a atack wich forces all data travel from a computer before going to the router and then to the global network, the computer they pass from processes them and gets passwords and pages they where used on)
c. Someone looking over you at what you type. No, even if you can type fast, some people can decode your key presses, for instance i saw my computers teacher typing in administrative password on a pc and even if he types fast i was able to understand it For some weird reason, it was spikey***** (i cant tell the *****).
10. Never write passwords down somewhere on your computer. if you ever get hacked, atacked, rour hard drive breaks ect you lose your pass...
11. Dont use same password in more than maximum 2 places! Take as example the exploit in mojang's server. If someone used the same password for his email, they get instant acess to it.
12. Never say "They wont hack me, none knows me!" there is always someone who knows you.
13. Dont use password you use every day on some servers that ask you to /register or /login. Think that these passwords are stored somewhere in the server They own and its imidietly their property.
14. Dont use combinations like "123AbC" Though you have both caps and lower case among with numbeers, this is a realy known combination becasue its a known sequence...

For further support/Questions please PM me. Thanks! 

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04/18/2014 3:26 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Batman
hawkek's Avatar
Why would a virus sofware even try to get a minecraft password? XD I bet they have better things to find out like banking credentials and stuff.
04/18/2014 3:31 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Programmer
fillpant's Avatar
Well i agree but think it as a chain, once someone has a minecraft password same as his email, bank or other such things, they get to know it.,. Also its not imposible these days for some one to know your email ect and themn exploit you. And some people like to black market accounts from 5$ so people who are not willing to pay 20$ on mojang pay 5$ to buy a stolen one.(i have seen such a thing on amazon and i reported it This dude had a list with 600 usernames and their pass and he was selling the password, u just had to pic a name and pay and then he would send a password to you, in these names there was my friends too.. thats why i reported once "he stole them" was not a valid one.
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