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We need Anti-Cheat in Minecraft

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Goblin
Hai, my blog is about hackers in Minecraft & how should we stop them.


Today are a lot of Cheaters in Minecraft & in other games. Minecraft have hacks such: Huzuni, Rubix, Flare, Morbid, X-Ray. Nodus & a lot MORE! Hackers are using the hacks for: PvP, Survival, Griefing, Flying etc.
And is the Question, How should we stop them?

Minecraft Servers like Hypixel have their "Anti-Cheat" but does it work? Yes it does but not 100% There are still undetected Hackers what makes problems to the server & for the Users.
Well, now you wondering "Why am I reading this". My plan is to bring Mojang to create an Anti-Cheat for Minecraft

How should the Anti-Cheat work & look like? (I am not a Programmer)
My vision of the Anti-Cheat is that the Owner or a Person who is taking Screenshots of the Users Computer.
The reason of it because on the screenshots you can see what was the User doing, where was he & The Most! Can we see Hacks?

If there would an Anti-Cheat, I would add a new server.properties. called "ss-password"
We need Anti-Cheat in Minecraft
to take a screenshot you would do first /ss login (Password) then /ss take (User Name)
We need Anti-Cheat in Minecraft
To see the Screenshot, you go to your Server Folder and there would be a "ss" folder with the screenshots of the User
We need Anti-Cheat in Minecraft
And on the screenshots of the player would be his UUID, User Name, Server Name & Launcher

I hope you enjoyed my Blog about Anti-Cheat. I really hope 1 day that Mojang will decide to create an Anti-Cheat like that.

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09/04/2014 4:23 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
This idea is WAY to invasive, it would lag and just be awful. Just live with hypixel grade anti-cheat.
08/18/2014 8:09 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Technomancer
I am pretty sure that there is a hack against every kind of anti-cheat system, especially because Minecraft is open-source.

The only way to fix cheats, is a system which only allows people with a 100% vanilla launcher to get on a server, also the severs would have to check for that. However, even against that there would propably be a hack again.
