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What Killed the Heroes-Lore theory

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme Theorist
Minecraft lore is something that a lot of players lie. I myself am a player that is thrilled with the concept and want to tell my theories. each theory will be abased off a prior one, so it may be important for you to keep up. Though some may be good to read independently. First some ground rules though; My theories assume that MCL is the very first thig on the cannon timeline. With MCD coming later. Then MC (the base game) is the present day. Some players have the idea that MCD is the future, but I respectfully disagree with their utter nonsense. I only count "the Rise of the Arch-Illager" as cannon novel-wise. Though "Return of the Piglins" may be used as supporting evidence for some theories. MCE isn't cannon whatsoever, nor is MCSM (Minecraft Earth, and Minecraft Story Mode). MCL also isn't fully cannon but will be used as supporting evidence. Now that I've set some ground rules, I think it is safe to begin the main theory. Let's start:

The "Heroes"-as people call them-where the players that inhabited the Overworld. I'm unsure how they came to be, but they did appear one day, and started living. They were likely the first group of people that ever lived in the Overworld, but now it is a question of where are they now? They are living AMOOGUS. They used to be the strongest race to live, but now there are none other than yourself? Why? Where did they go? MatPat provides a theory that claims they simply succumbed to a zombie virus. This is possible, though I think it isn't the answer. Almost everyone agrees with this theory online. Even RetroGamingNow agrees. Wifies provides three differing theories: In one he says that there was a terrible natural disaster that caused them all to die, E.g. The Wither, or something. Another theory he presents is that there was an outbreak of undead-much like MatPat suggested. The third theory he suggests is that there was a war. This is a theory that almost no one else agrees with, but I think is the most possible. Frankly the Wither is rather easy to fight (unless the Heroes played Bedrock) and wouldn't have likely killed every Hero. What's more is that if hundreds of Heroes died to it, then how come there aren't Wither Roses scattered everywhere? And how come the Wither isn't still roaming? The Wither doesn't despawn like other mobs, so what happened? I think that though the Wither theory is the most well-known, it is not very plausible. The undead virus is one that I think did occur but was only part of the reason the Heroes died. They would be able to fend off the undead for enough time and would likely be able to survive an undead apocalypse. Unless of course.... They were reoccupied. I suggest the Heroes were at war with eachother, when suddenly undead began to pop up.

If there was something else that they were worried about, maybe they'd fail to see just how threatening the undead truly were. in such a case as that, it makes sense that they'd all end up dead. I think that the Heroes were at war. I don't know why they were fighting, but I firmly think they were at war. There is evidence of two different groups of Heroes as well, further providing evidence toward the theory of disconnected Heroes. One hand you have a group that settles in deserts. I will refer to these as "Heroes". They enjoyed making new and advanced weapons, like TNT and even basic Redstone. They made their temples, and they even invented Creepers-that's a whole theory for another time though. One the other side of the war we had what I call "Builders". Their name is from MatPat, and it somewhat fits their attitude. They were in the jungles and made their temples. They were more advanced with Redstone. But otherwise, they lacked the technology the Heroes had. There may have been more tribes (in fact I'm almost sure of one particular tribe, but I'll make a theory on that later), but they are irrelevant at the moment. Now we watch as the Heroes fight over land and continue to lose soldiers on both sides. Some Heroes/Builders want to stay out of this war, obviously in hopes of self-preservation. These people stay in a constant area, and decide to not use weapons ever again, in hopes of never starting the very wars they so hate. These people are Villagers.

As the war continues between Heroes and Builders the Piglins invade. This is where the whole of MCL takes place, and we get to see the rise of the Illagers. I want to make more in-depth theories on the Illagers, but I don't want to fil my Hero blog with them at the moment. As one tribe (and I haven't evidence who, but likely Builders) loses the war they decide to ally themselves with the newly formed Illagers. The Illagers are one of the first tribes to learn of magic. Mainly soul magic, and whilst they hope to help the Builders regain their dead soldiers, they accidentally create the first undead. The undead have some similarities with fungi, and I think that they are intertwined heavily. More on this in future blogs. As the war progresses the undead pick off Heroes and Builders, and eventually they go to the Nether. Here they hope to get away from the undead and continue their warfare in peace.

The war would continue through the Nether but would eventually return to the Overworld. I'm not sure how long exactly the war lasted in the Nether, but it seems to have only lasted a short time compared to other historical activities. Once in the Overworld again though, it was evident that the undead had grown. By this point the best place to be underground. Some lorists* theorize that the reason mineshafts have exposed ores is solely for gameplay purposes. This makes sense, as I doubt anyone would want to explore an ore-less mineshaft, but a good canonical explanation is that these were tunnels used by Heroes and Builders to escape the undead. In the caves the Heroes built Strongholds in hopes of escaping and going to a dimension without the undead. They succeeded. The Builders also wanted to build underground. This time they worked in the deepest areas. Here a material called sculk was common. Sculk has soul and magic properties. Perhaps the Builders wanted to find a cure to the plague of undead. They worked to make a cure. They made alters, perhaps in hopes of making a portal if all else failed. They tried to use their Redstone knowledge to make a cure, but failed, and they were killed by the warden.

*lorist: LORE-ist. noun (collective). A person that studies or makes up lore theories.

The Heroes on the other hand made it to the End. Here is where I really disagree with MatPat, and frankly the majority of lorists. they seem to believe the Enderlings come from the Heroes, and that they somehow evolved. No. I believe that the Heroes and Enderlings were separate species and that the Enderlings thought the Heroes were trying to invade. When the Heroes came to the End, the Enderlings killed them.

These are all just basic theories. I've taken inspiration from Matpat, Xatrix, and a couple other content creators on YT. Many pf the things said here are, however, theories I invented myself, and I'd like credit for that at least. On a side note, I want to mention that my old lore blogs aren't part of these new ones. Those are outdated and have information I consider to be false. I implore you to comment what I should theorize about next, and also tell me what you agree with and/or disagree with about this theory. Thanks for the read and come back later to see more LOOOOOOORE!
CreditMatPat, RetroGamingNow, Xatrix and Wifies

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04/20/2024 4:22 pm
He/Him • Level 44 : Master System
this exsplains so much
04/20/2024 4:52 pm
He/Him • Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme Theorist
I'm glad you think so. I don't often get comments on my stuff, and when I do it's often something mediocre like "That's cool", so seeing you appreciate my content this way is really refreshing.
01/25/2024 12:00 pm
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Vampire Elf
10/10/2023 12:53 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
Interesting! I think the heroes are from the future, as the hosts had to bring somebody from the future to become the hero
10/09/2023 7:06 am
He/Him • Level 42 : Master Vampire Nether Knight
Was the warden their creation?
10/09/2023 10:38 am
He/Him • Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme Theorist
I left that out because I'm really not sure. There is evidence both ways. I'll make lots more theories though, and that'll be one!
10/07/2023 5:39 pm
He/Him • Level 57 : Grandmaster Loremaster
This was pretty cool :D
