Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Where to build a house in Minecraft: S.E.D.A.

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KyuremZekrom123's Avatar KyuremZekrom123
Level 16 : Journeyman Blacksmith
What's up guys? This is KyuremZekrom123, and today I'll be teaching you where to build a house. This is my first blog so don't expect it to be 6/5 star standard!

You've probably all seen a tutorial about how to build a house, but probably not about where to build a house. And where you build a house is almost as important as how you build it!

First off, rule no. 1 of where-to-build-a-house. SPAWN. Build as close to spawn as possible. If you build hundreds of blocks away and die without a bed or a map in an Ender Chest, you may as well start again. Ignore all the other rules if you have to, but stay close to spawn.

Secondly, try to build in a not shady area with an easy 'escape route' should you need it. ESCAPE. A jungle's ok IF you can fight off the hoards of Zombies and Skeletons which should have burned up and the Spiders that are still hostile due to the shade.

Rule no. 3. Don't build a house somewhere dangerous if you wish to live. DANGER. A dungeon, stronghold or cave spider room of an abandoned mine shaft nearby are not ok if you haven't 'defeated' the spawner. The Nether or End are ridiculous places for a house. This really should go without saying to any survivor who wishes to live life easily. Unless you're way too overconfident, in which case carry on and meet your doom.

The fourth and final rule: ACCESIBILITY. An NPC village or area with many easily-accesible ores is ideal. It's all very well being able to live in Minecraft, but to live to the fullest you want resources. If you write books you could trade with an NPC librarian for emeralds, and trade them for armor, weapons and tools. If you have many accesible resources, you may not need to go into a cave to find ores! This isn't a necessity, but is rather important.

You could make up an acronym to remember these... or just use mine.


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06/03/2013 5:50 am
Level 31 : Artisan Musician
56SaBaDalKaR56's Avatar
cool tutorial, liked it very helpful
06/03/2013 1:21 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Blacksmith
KyuremZekrom123's Avatar
Thanks! That gives me my 2nd diamond on this!
06/11/2013 3:50 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Musician
56SaBaDalKaR56's Avatar
man this deserves tons more diamonds this must be popular! ;D
