Minecraft Data Packs / Other

[1.21 - 1.12] Fully-automatic Minecart Railway Builder Tool (datapack)

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flashteens's Avatar flashteens
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer

2024-07-25 UPDATE: Applied a few bug fixes. Check out the update logs for more information. :-)


For those who are adventure map makers for Vanilla Minecraft and need to build a railway system in your maps, here's an awesome tool for you to build and run it without any "mods".

The design of this tool is based on the subway system of my main Minecraft world, and you'll be able to build a similar minecart automatic contraptions using this tool! :)

This tool is currently applicable for Minecraft 1.21 - 1.12.x versions. Please refer to the download links listed above.


  • Automatic minecart launcher command block, where a detector rail is automatically attached above whenever placing the command block. Please put this command block at the stopping position in each station. When a minecart triggers the detector rail, the cart will stops for a few seconds before it is automatically launched for departure.
  • Departure bells before a minecart leaves the station.
  • Automatic minecart removal. When a minecart departs from the launcher command block without any passengers, it will be automatically removed to avoid blocking on the halfway.
  • Minecart direction control, which corrects the direction of minecarts at your desired locations.
  • Minecart dispensers, which generate a minecart where a specific color tile is attached. There are 30 different color tiles available on your choice.
  • [​Since 1.13+] Speedometer data pack, showing your current speed on the sidebar, in km/h.
  • [​Since 1.13+] High-speed railway (BulletCart) data pack. Please refer to this post for more details.

Future Plans

  • ✅ Minecraft 1.14+ and 1.13+ support.
  • ✅ Fixed the problems when running on a Spigot server.
  • Add support to platform gates and screen doors.
  • Customizable line names.
  • Customizable departure bells.
  • Instant effects that help overcoming the terrains when building railway lines, ex: night vision, tree remover, instant /fill commands.

How to install this tool

Please follow the links as listed above. Since this tool only consists of functions of commands in Vanilla Minecraft, it should be very simple. :)


Q1: Why did you classify this tool as a "mod" instead of a "project"?
A1: I classified this tool as a "mod" in this post for its functionality. By applying this tool in your map, the tool indeed modifies the behaviors of minecarts when stopping at the auto-launcher command block, which requires a function that consists of dozens of commands involving numerous NBT and tag command (1.13+) / scoreboard tag (1.12.x) operations.
* For 1.13+, this tool is designed as 3 independent data packs containing the functions and the tags.

Q2: Could I use this tool in a modded version of Minecraft (ex. Forge, or a plugin server)?
A2: Currently this tool is still under testing. For any related issues whether it works or not, feel free to comment below.

Q3: Is there any source code for this project?
A3: Yes. See on my GitHub page (for 1.12.x and 1.13+).

Copyright Issues

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY 4.0 License. Feel free to use this tool in your Minecraft world as long as:
  • You credit me as the provider of this tool.

[1.21 - 1.12] Fully-automatic Minecart Railway Builder Tool (datapack) Minecraft Data Pack
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.21

16 Update Logs

Snapshot 0.15.1: Fixed bugs related to tool book formatting and integration to BulletCart datapack : by flashteens 07/24/2024 11:57:15 pmtoday

  • Fixed critical bug: the tool book was incorrectly rendered as a literal JSON code when playing in Minecraft 1.20 - 1.20.4, causing players unable to obtain any tools from it. (see also: this GitHub commit)
  • Integration to the BulletCart datapack: refined cart auto-removal condition when the minecart speed goes beyond 200 km/h to prevent it from being unexpectedly removed due to severe lags. (see also: this GitHub commit)

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07/17/2023 9:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Vicxia's Avatar
Hi! I'm a cart map builder like you (My English is so bad sorry)! I enjoy your RoFT map and want to build one like yours. And I'm a big fan of you!
As a noob to Minecraft Commands, I want to use your Datapacks (also Bullet Cart) on my own map. Don't worry I will DEFINITELY tag your name on it!

I want keep my map version always in the newest version (now 1.20). But since 1.20, the sign has two sides and both can be edited, so the Cart DIspensers are no longer working.

And with my SUPER NICE GREAT COMMAND SKILL, I just broke the whole pack lol.

If you have any time besides the work and RoFT map, please update it later! It will be a big help to me, thank you!
05/26/2023 5:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CowSheep72's Avatar
I use this datapack on my 1.16.5 forge world and it indeed works, however signs do not work if you have a mod with sign editing feature. Also, due to changes in 1.19.4 experimental and 1.20, this pack should be modified to have the signs waxed to avoid breaking the dispense signs.
Edit: Tested on 1.20pre-6 and works except for cart dispenser. Cart dispenser shows blank
05/26/2023 8:20 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
flashteens's Avatar
Thx for the reminder. I'll look into this issue. XD
11/20/2022 11:45 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
TraivonsWorld's Avatar
How do use it?
11/14/2020 10:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
twmccreeper's Avatar
Which Function?
08/12/2020 4:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HeStupid's Avatar
Hey! the signs with "click: discense a cart" there is no word "cart" in all of the signs. Version 1.16.1
03/21/2021 10:37 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
RyanVonn's Avatar
turn on force unicode font
08/06/2020 2:07 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
FrozenHeart471's Avatar
Thanks for bringing this datapack into 1.16! I see that my additions for the carts I submitted to you didn't make the final cut. That's okay, at least it was some kind of catalyst for this update. Again, thank you!
04/03/2020 4:53 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Fisherman
Fishin-Chips's Avatar
Please do 1.15 and 1.16 when it comes out.
06/30/2020 12:57 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
FrozenHeart471's Avatar
I've had this datapack back in 1.15, even though it was technically for 1.14, and it surprisingly worked well despite the differences in versions.
