Minecraft Data Packs / Other

[1.21 - 1.13] BulletCart v2.3.3d datapack

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flashteens's Avatar flashteens
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer

Update v2.3.3d (2024-07-25): Fixed critical datapack bug for Minecraft 1.20 - 1.20.4: unable to obtain the tools due to incorrect command format. See on the update logs for more information.

Update 2024-06-14: Now supports Minecraft 1.21. Please update your BulletCart datapack while migrating your map to Minecraft 1.21.

Earlier v2.3.x update information

Update v2.3.3c (2024-04-28): Improved performance & supports Minecraft 1.20.5.

Update v2.3.3b (2022-01-29): Fixed a long-existing issue on PaperMC 1.16+ servers where minecart speed used to be sometimes unexpected. Enjoy this update on your latest PaperMC server~~ 😀

Update v2.3.3 (2022-01-22): From now on, you may set the maximum allowed speed for an individual minecart. Also, now there is a way to run your minecarts on curved tracks at a speed up to 140 km/h! See on the update logs for the details.

Update v2.3.2 (2021-02-10): To deal with the chunk loader issue on some Minecraft versions (MC-190836), from now on you may configure the maximum allowed speed in your map. See on FAQ question 10 and the update logs for the details.

Update v2.3 (2020-08-07): Now, your BulletCart is finally able to make turns or being stopped by the Railway Builder Tool launcher command WITHOUT having to turn off the high-speed mode in advance! Download & check it out! 😀

To update this datapack, you may simply delete the old datapack, and then replace it with this new one. This update is fully compatible with all old versions of v2.x!

It is recommended to also update the Railway Builder Tool datapack in your map if you're currently using version 2.1 (or earlier) of this datapack, so it'll be easier for you to debug your high-speed railway lines!


Hey, map makers! Have you ever wondered how to speed up your minecarts in Vanilla Minecraft? Congrats! You've come to the right place! 😎

Designed for Minecraft Java Edition 1.21 through 1.13, this is an independent data pack which allows you to speed up the minecarts by using only one "high-speed mode command block" from this tool. You may also combine this tool with the FTMC Railway Builder Tool (my former work) for fully-automatic minecart operations.

Downloading this datapack

The download link available on this page brings you to the Google Drive storage. On the Google Drive page, first please click into the folder that corresponds to your Minecraft version. Then, download "FTMC Bullet Cart Engine v2.3.zip", as shown in the screenshot below.

[1.21 - 1.13] BulletCart v2.3.3d datapack Minecraft Data Pack

If you would like to also make your railway system fully-automatic, or if you wonder how fast you are, you may install the other two data packs above, and then run them simultaneously in your map. For how to install the datapack(s), please refer to this page for more information.


  • "Color-driven" speed control. Controlling minecart speeds using this tool mainly depends on some concrete blocks (or concrete powders) in specific colors, which means that you don't need to type any advanced commands manually. The only command block you need to place is the "high-speed mode" command block, while its command is automatically generated already, depending on the direction you place it.
  • Maximum minecart speed available: 999 km/h.
    • This value is configurable by a scoreboard manipulation command, which is useful if your PC or server connection is not powerful enough. Please refer to the FAQ section for how to configure.
  • Customizable acceleration. The acceleration/deceleration of the minecart can be chosen to one of the following options:
    • Regular minecart: 4.0 km/h per second.
    • Smooth minecart: 2.5 km/h per second.
    • Turbo minecart: 10.0 km/h per second.
    • Super-turbo minecart (old-version compatible): 20.0 km/h per second.
  • Easy to install, as it's a data pack designed for Vanilla Minecraft. Check out this page for how to install this tool.

All Tools Available in This Data Pack

  • High-speed mode command block. Place it in your desired direction to indicate where the minecarts will go. Once a minecart steps through this command block, it will be switched into "high-speed mode", so you may then control its operation speed.
  • Color concrete blocks placed beneath the rails, where high-speed mode minecarts start to smoothly change their speed.
    • All concrete blocks available:
      • Green concrete block: +50 km/h.
      • Lime concrete block: +10 km/h.
      • Yellow concrete block: -10 km/h.
      • Orange concrete block: -50 km/h.
      • Green concrete powder: +25 km/h.
      • Lime concrete powder: +5 km/h.
      • Yellow concrete powder: -5 km/h.
      • Orange concrete powder: -25 km/h.
      • Red concrete block (powder): Turn off high-speed mode.
      • Blue concrete block (powder) [​v2.1+] : Immediately set the minecart to current speed limit without gradual acceleration.
      • Magenta glazed terracotta (i.e. arrow block) [​v2.1+] :
        Usage #1: Put it right beneath the track to teleport the minecart by a perpendicular direction in high-speed mode (see here for an example).
        Usage #2 [v2.3.3+] : Put some of them next to curved tracks to enhance the maximum operation speed to 140 km/h (See on this example and FAQ question 2 for more information.)
    • When your minecart speed is expected to be beyond 70 km/h, it is suggested to place several same-colored concrete blocks in a row to ensure that they can be detected by the minecarts.
  • Debug minecarts, specially designed for testing whether your high-speed minecarts are working properly. It provides some detailed information, so you can adjust your concrete blocks to accurate locations according to the generated messages. Debug minecarts are available in both English and Mandarin Chinese versions.
  • You may integrate this tool with the FTMC Railway Builder datapack and/or the Speedometer datapack. All these three data packs works independently, while they can be also used together with each other data packs depending on your demands.
  • See on the showcase video available on this post for how to utilize this datapack.


  1. Does the "FTMC Bullet Cart v2.3 Engine" and "Instant High-speed Railway Builder Tool" refer to the same data pack?
    • YES!! 😊
    • From Feb. 10 2021 on, the latter name "Instant High-speed Railway Builder Tool" is no longer shown on the title, and it is suggested to just call it the "BulletCart v2.3" data pack.
  2. Can minecarts in high-speed mode pass through any curved rails?
    • From version 2.3 on, YES! But, be sure that your minecart speed should be no more than 70 km/h (when on straight rails), otherwise it may still derail.
      • For U-turns, please reduce your minecart speed to 35 km/h (or lower) to avoid derailment; for other regular turns, 70 km/h speed is acceptable.
      • From version 2.3.3 on, you may improve the curved tracks by putting some magenta glazed terracotta blocks next to it (here is an example of the usage), and your minecart will be able to run at a maximum speed of 140 km/h. (Note that this way is still not applicable to abrupt L-turns and U-turns.)
    • WARNING: Old version of this datapack does not support curves on high-speed mode. Please update it before running your high-speed carts on the curves!
  3. Can minecarts in high-speed mode pass through any slopes?
    • From version 2.1 on, YES! But, when your minecart speed is beyond 70 km/h, it still cannot pass through consecutive slope rails, or it will be too steep, and there will still be risks of derailment.
      • Precisely, for any minecarts not faster than 72*n km/h, please ensure to build at least n-1 straight rails between every two neighboring slope rails, which makes the overall gradient not greater than 1/n.
    • WARNING: Old version of this datapack does not support slopes on high-speed mode. Please update it before running your high-speed carts on the slopes!

  4. Could I stop a minecart in high-speed mode using the Minecart Launcher Command from the FTMC Railway Builder Tool?
    • From version 2.3 on, YES! But, be sure that your minecart speed should be no more than 70 km/h (when on straight rails), otherwise it may still fail to detect the launcher command.
    • WARNING: Old version of this datapack does not support this feature.
  5. Do I still have to boost the minecarts by powered rails even if they are in high-speed mode?
    • Not necessary. Until the high-speed mode is over, whether or not powered rails are used on the way, the minecarts are always fully powered.
  6. Could I test these data packs in my server?
    • Of course! They are expected to also work in Vanilla or Spigot servers on Minecraft 1.14+ and 1.13.x versions. Also, please comment below for any suggestions or issues. 😉
  7. Could I use these data packs on MCPE / Bedrock Edition?
    • Sorry, but MCPE / Bedrock Edition does not support data packs. In my future plan, I might take a look at how to re-design this tool in Bedrock Edition add-ons. Stay tuned~
  8. I used this data pack in an older Minecraft version, and I'm gonna upgrade it to 1.20.x. Do I have to update this data pack as well?
    • Yes. Please update this datapack. You will find the datapack(s) that matches your Minecraft version from this link.
  9. I used this data pack in an older Minecraft version and tried to upgrade it to a newer Minecraft version. But then why the minecart is nearly 2 times faster than expected while it is in high-speed mode?
    • Please be sure to remove the old datapack before applying the new datapack to prevent duplicate datapacks existing in your folder. Be noted that the datapack filenames from the download link may differ among different supporting Minecraft versions, as there are suffixes that indicates the Minecraft version, for example: “FTMC Bullet Cart v2.3 Engine for 1.21.zip”.
  10. Looks like my map sometimes freezes when I am on a very high-speed minecart. Is there any way that I can reduce its speed?
    • From version 2.3.2 on, YES! You may configure the maximum BulletCart speed allowed in your map. For example, if you desire to limit ALL of the minecarts in your map to be within 123 km/h, Please enter the following command in the chat:
      /scoreboard players set #ftbc_config BCartMaxSpeed 123
    • The value of "BCartMaxSpeed" is set to 999 by default, and it can be any integer between 1 and 999 (inclusive).
    • From version 2.3.3 on, you may also set the speed limit to an individual minecart, for example:
      /scoreboard players set @e[type=minecart,distance=..2,limit=1] BCartMaxSpeed 123
  11. Is it possible to control the speed of my BulletCart through only commands and without the color concrete blocks?
    • Yes, but NOT recommended for beginners, unless you manage to maintain multiple sets of speed limits on the same track for different train types (ex: express trains and commuter trains.)
    • Currently, to control the speed limit by command block, you'll need to manipulate some internal scoreboard values, as I technically did in the Republic of FlashTeens map.
    • To set the speed limit to N km/h, you have to specify a value of (N − 29) to internal score "ftbctargetspeed". For example, the following command will apply to a BulletCart with tag "your_tag" and set its speed limit to 100 km/h:
      scoreboard players set @e[type=minecart,tag=your_tag,limit=1] ftbctargetspeed 71
    • If you need to apply this command to a minecart which is just enabled the BulletCart (v2.2+) mode, but not yet set the speed limit through color concrete blocks, then it is considered as an un-initialized state. For this case, you'll have to apply another command below as the 2nd command to initialize the BulletCart and actually accelerate the minecart:
      tag @e[type=minecart,tag=your_tag,limit=1] add ftbc_v22_has_init_speedlimitAlso, to optimize this mechanism, you may compact the two commands above into an mcfunction.
    • In the future, I will consider adding some extra features to help you deal with this possible need in an easier manner. Stay tuned~ 🙂

[1.21 - 1.13] BulletCart v2.3.3d datapack Minecraft Data Pack
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.21

14 Update Logs

v2.3.3d: Fixed command format on the tool book for Minecraft 1.20 - 1.20.4 : by flashteens 07/24/2024 11:44:06 pmJul 24th

  • Fixed critical bug: the tool book was incorrectly rendered as a literal JSON code when playing in Minecraft 1.20 - 1.20.4, causing players unable to obtain any tools from it.
  • No updates for other Minecraft versions.

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04/28/2024 3:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
120fpsplayer's Avatar
THe books doesnt work! Please help :(
04/28/2024 7:59 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
flashteens's Avatar
Please be sure to download the correct version of the datapack. Be noticed that you'll see different datapack zip files in the Google Drive download page for Minecraft 1.20.5 and Minecraft 1.20 – 1.20.4, thx 🙂
08/31/2022 5:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
thewaterofbucket's Avatar
no sourcecode?
08/31/2022 7:30 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
flashteens's Avatar
Check out the source code here:

Thx 🙂
05/14/2022 4:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RemiTsai46's Avatar
How can I instantly set the minecart target speed in just 1 block long? Because I wanted to speed up my minecart to only 35km/h but it may go over 35km/h and down again...
05/14/2022 10:24 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
flashteens's Avatar
We don't provide such feature for you to set the target speed in just 1 block long without typing any commands on your own. 😅
But if you're gonna set the target speed to 5*n km/h in a few block long, it's no problem: for example, an instant 35 km/h can be made up of 3 blocks: a green concrete powder, a lime concrete block, and a blue concrete block.
05/15/2022 5:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RemiTsai46's Avatar
But wait… How does the X2 Express 320 -> 360km/h works? I just thought I could use that method but then I tested…it doesn’t work bruhh
Does that mean that in the RoFT map there’s a extra function for it but not in this datapack?
05/15/2022 9:28 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
flashteens's Avatar
You may check out what's inside the command block. It should have a value that equals to the target speed (km/h) minus 29. I just forgot what the technical name for the scoreboard value that I have written. 😅
05/20/2022 11:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RemiTsai46's Avatar
The datapack has updated to 1.14+ version and the cmd still doesn't work
are there bugs on spigot 1.18.1 servers???
05/21/2022 3:32 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
flashteens's Avatar
I don't expect any related bugs on Spigot/Bukkit 1.18.x since my latest BulletCart datapack fix from version v2.3.3b on.

To use this method that I haven't yet officially considered as a public feature, you should try some more technical substitutions on tag names from the RoFT commands that you see.

I have updated this post and added FAQ 11 just now, but not updated the datapack code yet. Please first read this FAQ. Thanks~
